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Everything posted by row_33

  1. like a partisan hack has never denied being one. ?‍? ------------------------------------ so the media is hopefully able to guide the populace on the actions by the President unfortunately all it does is attack the GOP and suck on the Dems the whole time
  2. oh no! Paul Hornung was supposed to be in a wheelchair!!!
  3. i don't want to have the rest of the month ruined by thinking about the Jays and Orioles in the same hour... always fun to applaud a pitcher who voluntarily goes to the AL East, at least he won't be facing the Yankees.
  4. i know, sports is supposed to be fair and every team, no matter how incompetent or useless, should be guaranteed a championship every 5 years or so?
  5. the only thing sustaining my barely 1% interest is the facts and that has another day or so before i couldn't care less about it
  6. billsfan89 is going to learn that life is unfair and doesn't make sense (as he/she dictates it be) that's cute and sweet oh wait, billsfan89 is the first to discover this crazy part of the Law of the Land.... ignore that it's been fought over since the late 1700s and written on about 125,000 times and Nixon did it and it hurt him big-time
  7. not disagreeing there.... but that's how it is deal with it! and see my comment added after your response.
  8. the President can fire at will has NOTHING to do with the rest of your whining there it can be a very UNWISE decision to do so, that's about the only restraint gee, if there was only a precedent to refer to, so that lazy people could look it up.... (hint Archibald Cox and the Saturday Night Massacre...)
  9. weren't there TWO whistleblowers? what happened to them?
  10. the $$$ goes between the clubs on transfer fees, the players have to negotiate their salary independently, I'm old enough to remember hearing about the maximum wage paid to the English FA players weekly the stars are well taken care of, but the transfer fees have nothing to do with the Yankees signing a free agent pitcher the Jays are a long time away from competing $$$$-wise with Boston and the NYY
  11. Philly and Giants fans attacked unprovoking and defenceless fans at their home stadiums.
  12. so the second whistleblower neve existed? and what happened to the first one?
  13. i have respect for history and the past greats, i would not throw pro sports under the bus for 1927, especially for baseball
  14. the players doesn't see much of the Euro $$$
  15. must be nice to be able to spend hours on the combinations...
  16. keep staying in the race Joe, give it a splash of colour and amusement
  17. hopefully it falls into the Pacific during our lifetime
  18. we can make one up if it would babysit John Adams for another 5 or so years
  19. no, the first since 1927, and the 3 were Duluth Eskimos and... all.... named.... ROONEY!!! (a harbinger perhaps...)
  20. red? ewwwwwwwwwwwww
  21. my day won't be filled with anxiety leading to abstruct terror over Houston's playoff chances
  22. my brother went to one game and nobody got in a fight, so therefore there is never anything to fear at an NFL game
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