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Everything posted by row_33

  1. Good test today, Steelers aren’t at their best on paper
  2. Interplanetary funkmanship with the thralls of Triskelion will cost you more
  3. Montreal and the rest of Quebec have always had poutine, it’s become more of a trendy meal in Toronto for 10 or so years a supersize fry portion with two pounds of meat and cheese is a good challenge at lunch
  4. isn’t the President there when possible?
  5. a drive-by clever slam is rare and appreciated Always better than the usual liberal patter in these here whereabouts telling us that Ike and Nixon and Ford and Reagan and the Bushes and all their veeps were blithering idiots and evil as well set the table for this level of poor interaction
  6. Failure to pass this would be ten times better than Hillary losing in 2016 and crying so hard she couldn’t even give a concession speech for many hours
  7. the album version with the psychedelic opening and drum fills rules
  8. When Joe gets the nomination he is going to have to be totally aware of Trump taunting him 59 times every day of the campaign, and then try to react to all 59 slams it will kill him
  9. Bar strangling, ad libbed “Michael Corleone says hello”
  10. The first increases and the latter decreases as time goes by
  11. That would be a slim chance to get that
  12. I see your name and realize it will be attacking anything the GOP does, no matter how realistically great it is
  13. Her 15 minutes can’t expire soon enough
  14. That digs a lot deeper for machines, that’s usually involving local hospitals or clinics and overseas companies failing to deliver
  15. portions are a third the size of the US, the meal is twice the cost, and the taxes....
  16. Depressing to think how much this matchup has cratered in our lifetime
  17. even when you cancel you have to recancel at least three times as they continue to bill
  18. If Sen Grassley is just part of a plot to take down Trump, I will sooooo disappointed
  19. It’s best when Joe’s eyes widen and he grins and he goes to another planet to think up a word.... and biffs it
  20. for Time’s thing of the year but it doesn’t matter, haven’t read Time since.... 1983?
  21. not at all, do your thing doesn't it get tiresome though they are just gaming PPP all day long
  22. Isn’t that kind of automatic since WW2? Get to one of them if you can, did it a few years back with MNF at The Vet as well
  23. Since Trump will be acclaimed, can he enter primaries as a Dem and win those states?
  24. best to laugh at her and then forget her
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