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Everything posted by row_33

  1. the joy from the surprise of forcing her to cry and not be able to give a concession speech cannot be topped
  2. i'm not rich enough to buy those seats, nor could i extract them from people for good games
  3. does a 20th row baseline taunt count from years ago ?
  4. that Charlie Brown thing used to mean so much when i was a kid....
  5. ------------------- but THIS is just fine and lah-dee-dah, as long as the Yankees aren't signing the man... Report: Hyun-Jin Ryu Expected to Sign Larger Contract Than Madison Bumgarner
  6. one of the worst ever, he gets zero volume when on my TV enjoyed the Emerson Quartet recording of Beethoven's late string quartets during the game.
  7. i have never had a clue what is going on in his skull from Ann Arbor to Foxborough
  8. the Senate began it's investigation for Watergate before the House voted on impeachment it's the amazing part and parcel of how Nixon was not impeached, the clear worst of the 4 to undergo the process, by a million miles...
  9. yup, Biden is the only one with a shred of credibility and ability to take on Trump from that side be that you get what you get
  10. they don't care about facts, it's all about the power they have to give the public their opinion unfettered
  11. The Senate has always been where the adults eat and the House is the children's table
  12. they hand out MVPs from the regular season after a Steve Nash has flopped again in the playoffs
  13. when a major bridge collapses and many die, then it's probably time to think of putting some $$$ there
  14. The People decides with the Karl Malone's Atomic Elbow on the Zeke-ish Dems
  15. certain things ring more true for honouring than others
  16. Blue Jays are probably richer, but the owner won't pay the team more than low-market fees for the TV rights. the whole thing is just an advertisement for the cable monopoly that owns the team
  17. only sad thing is it isn't Marino's record getting broken. when Favre broke his passing record, Dan whined on TV how Favre was just padding stats to get the record as if anyone in the history of football came close to Dan for padding stats...
  18. what about the people who do nothing but whine about how hard it is for other people?
  19. edit: 4-nication is blanked out???
  20. where's the subtitled flics that i can enjoy at the cinemaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..................
  21. can't say i'm familiar with it, can you give us a sample?
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