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Everything posted by row_33

  1. one needed those extra two steps to help sell shoes
  2. when you win, mainly because you had the better talent to begin with, everyone gets playoff bonus money
  3. 30/30 man in this day and age a total footballs move there
  4. oh good, i'll tune in some more this season you have to PAY for that?
  5. it's nice to feel good about the team this late in a given January, and for the immediate future as well
  6. guess we'll have to tune in and see what actually happens on the field
  7. someone tell Joe IQ as putdown of another's intelligence hasn't been cool for at least 35 years now?
  8. she claimed to be both a diehard Cubs and then a Yankees fan her whole life, nobody bothered to ask her a basic question on it.... maybe she balances Free Presbyterian and Roman Catholicism like that as well?
  9. you a paid spokes(deleted) now?
  10. why would i watch that??? they either run the ball all day long on a totally outmatched team, or ***** it up when they meet any good team, mostly...
  11. cool, i watch a few games each year when they are playing a good team never heard him spout off now Hawk Harrelson would every game for his sad team....
  12. we'll see, everyone loses the room at some point, not in John Tortorella (sp) style necessarily here's to a good 3-5 years coming up with some breaks taken advantage of
  13. does Jim Palmer ever say anything really critical during broadcasts?
  14. oh, more bad remakes and comic book movies for 2020? wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.................
  15. fake point to all kinds of new folk
  16. the Dems have been one of the biggest fundraisers for the ...... opposition in Northern Ireland...
  17. Wisky is about 104-1 when they can just run the ball up the gut all day long on a cupcake roughly 2-32 when they have to THROW the ball a few times... and their fans stadium are the worst of all of the B1G...
  18. she better check how the wind is blowing before making public appearances there
  19. sure isn't that way for the GOP with The Donald as GEOTUS
  20. interesting that a Dem would take a position in Northern Ireland like that
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