the only worse prediction by Dems and the media was how Pol Pot would happily help Cambodia enter the 20th century under his benevolent dictatorship...
he's too ignorant to know what happened with the US and Iran leading up to '79
i recall that time a lot, Carter and the media toadies all thought the Revolution would lead to world openness and religious tolerance in Iran...
Trump blew up a mad dog
from June 2019
Strikes on Iran Approved by Trump, Then Abruptly Pulled Back
Trump Calls Iran’s Shooting Down of a U.S. Drone a ‘Very Bad Mistake’
During a meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, President Trump responded to questions about Iran shooting down a United States surveillance drone.
guess they didn't shoot THAT DRONE down yesterday
i'll wait for 8 playoff games and then sift through all the stats and let you know what winning takes, give me another month after the games though, just to get it right
i'm just reporting and they are 100% serious, i fully disagree of course, he wasn't a superelite QB but he belongs there
but there's a lot of downplaying of that 4 SB era, craziness...
i recall at least a dozen sports boards hiving off to have "intelligent discussions"
all turned into a fascist banning machine with the eff word comprising 33% of GDT posts and such....
it's just a game, grab a beer, take the recliner, relax...