great line to the effect that since there was an announced season 2 you probably guessed he didn't kill himself in season 1
i'll give it a run after a few other binges and "arch close-read cinemaaatic re-watches" are done
this is the area I can "go there" with my US Conservative brothers and sisterse
but I support your right to self-determine your Constitution, and tweaking liberals is a wonderful lifelong pursuit as well
we all knew that irony was a major weakness in socialists
but now they haven't read anything useful and they can't enter the world of analogy or metaphor or understanding when a myth or joke was fully intended to be a myth or a joke (and was grasped instantly by its large audience)
this will be so hilarious!
and his honest hatred for people was played out brilliantly in the UK Office, the US had to go and make even the biggest loons "nice" when they stole another British hit
In other words, take away the substantial charges of racism and sexual predation, and you’re still left with a horrible person.
anyone who has forgotten about God is a horrible person
who takes anything a politician says seriously after they are 11 years old?
the party ticket has a sweeping tone to it and that's what matters, unless it doesn't have one....