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Everything posted by row_33

  1. mean dude nobody asked him just how or what the heck he was playing
  2. since practically nobody cares at all, the reason can be smugly held safe
  3. rough bean season? the local snooty place is only offering Kona at $150 Canadian a pound 10% (ten percent) JBM....
  4. before you laugh you have to make sure everyone is okay with it, requiring that you research everything that joke teller said for his/her entire life and that nobody was ever offended or if those around you declare the person safe or nice or liked, then it's okay even if it's the vilest racism ever said
  5. they can't dictate that injuries won't happen, even with the most advance methods and diets and things, even though gurus come in with promises and heaven effluvia just happens when you put yourself into a violent collision sport don't tick off the football gods....
  6. they are going to chew on this cud for the next 40 years...
  7. like um you know that vaccines are like poison you know???
  8. they got their practice watching 700 Club waiting for Pat Robertson to say something and then they needed a brain diaper now it's extended to almost every liberal with an iPhone or its like and we'll have fun fun fun...
  9. how can anyone even begin to predict what helmet-to-helmet MEANS, let alone if they want to bother enforcing even the worst transgressions in NFL and NCAA football?
  10. for degrees that are not garnering 100 applicants for each admission, entrance rules are bent to justify holding the classes
  11. thank goodness 1917 won, if another had we'd still have 5 of them up there yammering away over their uneducated opinions
  12. . they weren't talented and they are super stoooopid as well you have to be at least one of talented or booksmart or quota filling
  13. Jack Youngblood played on a broken leg. Bob Gibson took on 3 more batters after a line drive fractured his fibula. that;s defying the universal force of gravity as well as pain.
  14. it has to be somewhat due to prep and a ton of luck as well WRs shred their knees often just running patterns in practice without any resistance.
  15. they are still trying to figure out how Reagan beat Carter in 1980 actually their seniors are still grinding on Ike beating Adelai
  16. one has to show they are smart enough first on here before thinking that crappy wit through deliberate misssspellings is accepted
  17. even the Kennedys had to get some kind of a job
  18. it's nice to have a warmer January beats weeks on end of it so cold that car tyres are effected
  19. He merely states that Iran gave clandestine safe passage to many of the same people who ended up murdering 3,000 Americans. Where does someone sitting at home in front of a computer even begin to think they can refute this, or that it will matter to refute it?
  20. you can't fill every position on the field, being happy with 1 CB is a lot in this day and age
  21. The worst thing I saw live was the Lions clearly tackling a Texans runner at the 25 and he got up and ran the rest of the 75 yards with no whistles Schwartz threw his flag on the field to review, and the rules stated that a coach doing that ruined the chance to review a play, so a runner clearly tackled and seen by at least 70,000 people in the stadium was awarded a TD.
  22. Good and thoughtful post!
  23. feel sorry for the stars, his jokes were the most cruel and harshest thing the stars have had in their lives for decades
  24. gimmicks got a first series TD, couldn't punch it in the rest of the game has to learn to execute an effective football drive routinely
  25. everyone who plays a single down or return in a given game is injured, as a person on the street would define it these guys live with daily pain all season that 98% of us wouldn't get out of bed over everyone had an injury all season long, it's a horrible way to make a living if you aren't paid well
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