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Everything posted by row_33

  1. Weather Report both times in Montreal
  2. a week or so ago, you could hear the snap when he landed then while he was in agony on the floor the ref stepped over him and bumped him instead of walking around him
  3. saw him live twice, will never be another one. http://www.jonimitchell.com/library/view.cfm?id=4013
  4. NBA loves compound fractures lately, I guess they have "skiboots" on that are handcrafted so they can't sprain their ankles, and their fib-tib sticks right out through their sock as compensation. i'd take a sprain, even a bad high one, over 1-2 years to effectively come back from a compound fracture like George or Hayward or Nurkic or Garbajosa
  5. i will take it into consideration, a few other immediate comments weren't thoughtful enough.
  6. who do you like? do you see anything stopping Trump for 2020? It's not a horribly wrong thing to accept this.... you don't have to like it...
  7. thanks so airports are now concerned about the adequacy of food I'm forced to eat while held there waiting for hours, with CNN blaring the whole time? is this the same argument on Sunday Shopping where they told stories of people having to do without a living room couch because stores weren't open on Sundays?
  8. i'm getting the hassle for rejecting her 100% first move, that was rejected you can't win, even if you mind your own business and do nothing wrong except exist in the same room
  9. is it harassment when i'm approached by a woman and i'm not interested (for many good reasons) and she gets angry with me because I didn't reject in a way she liked?
  10. made it only a 55 point loss, dance everyone! every diehard Bills fan at the gathering where i watching the game had abandoned ship well before that play, they didn't see it happen in real time...
  11. last time we asked he said he thinks he'll go for a walk
  12. i see enough of it watching sports live, the compound fracture in Portland was the last one I saw on TV as it happened, RIGHT THERE!!
  13. you mean people would say "i'll take a limo to Pearson in Toronto to fly out on a Sunday because CFA isn't open in the Buffalo airport"?
  14. i have no confidence that even .01% of anything illegal the Dems did will be adequately chased at all
  15. everything is wiretapped in DC and NYC what you do with the info is the only concern, 99% of it is worthless anyways. for Obama to lie about the actual fact that everything is wiretapped shows how naive his worshipers are
  16. and LeBron's posturing wipes out Magic Johnson's attempts to help out. I remember the old days when Magic was seen as a very selfish and critically injured young man, ran his head coach out of town after the man was injured in a bicycle accident, before he became all lovey-dovey with the media....
  17. used to be that ABC/CBS/NBC had ten million times the hammer lock on demanding what public opinion should be now you at least know they are 100% biased for the Dems and wouldn't see the truth if it bit them on their behind and have plausible alternatives.
  18. an airport is going to fear that Sunday traffic will be affected by people because CFA isn't open that day? sorry.... the airport is viewed as a Galleria Mall alternative for lazing around?
  19. they would make enough $$$ Mon-Sat to pay off the rental obligations with ease.
  20. you do great work here, you are open to discussion about diffs anyone who just throws mud is a loser, the kind of person who can't dig Trump
  21. I went through this with 6 people in my life as victims and it has shown up in a few work files as well. The demand that a person completely renounce marriage in order to serve in the clergy, if they had any inkling to form a marriage, is inhuman.
  22. these seminars on how to not be disrespectful opened my eyes to new thoughts of lust and means of assault that I didn't even know existed. just what i needed to rinse out of my mind and soul.
  23. i just cannot believe that we can come close to "a new low" after two decades of this board....
  24. ----------------------- it's been a super heavy grind of billable hours the last 6 weeks, coulda used it spread out better the prior 3 months so i tune in for the Astros/Yankees and it's ESPN ruining it again, cutting out 60% of the live action constantly, panning back to some fat **** in the booth who isn't remotely entertaining in any capacity every second pitch turned it off after a few innings, hopefully game 3 will be the local Houston or YES feed for once.
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