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Everything posted by row_33

  1. I think we have a bingo in the corner over there....
  2. locked inside is the best one presently
  3. it is tough serving Molech most don’t realize how deeply they worship him
  4. hydrating is important during cold/flu season That is if one really wants people to get better, sometimes there are doubts...
  5. To be tolerated until the end of March and hopefully it is deemed an understandable overreaction
  6. I’m sure nobody believes holding breath for 10 seconds or drinking water is a test or cure. of course the usual suspects jump on those two statements to discredit, sadly typical of them....
  7. Oddly Italian radio broadcasts are extremely low-key for soccer, maybe it’s after the top man was fired for excitement and letting go with a vile racial comment in an early 1970s World Cup? Portuguese radio appears to be 2 men and one talks 10 miles a second excitedly while the other draws in maximum breath, then they switch, maybe a third man is there. Brits were the best, Brian Moore was my fave, “another German writhing on the field, a people as soft as custard” and “Toto Schilacci (sp??) a man of unquestionable football talent and questionable intelligence”
  8. have used some roll toilet paper that could t possibly have been water soluble, was rougher run paper towel ?
  9. German soccer is on all day on the Canadian ESPN equivalent Oh wait, it’s just repeats but who the heck is gonna know that?
  10. advertising for this stuff is the Wild West They are allowed to claim 24 rolls when it’s really 12, but trust us that each roll counts as two.... what is going on? Who ARE these people?
  11. thought it was ready if you can easily flick off the stem, or what’s left of it
  12. It’s close to toilet paper and okay for forgetful or mistaken incidents
  13. You can flush almost anything, “water soluble” is the key you can’t flush a bowling ball or microwave oven
  14. they aren’t flushable, you’ll find out like people who buy that lie do why they are allowed to pretend is a good question
  15. grossly irresponsible publicity seeking by him, he and his sidekick doc had no belief behind the number
  16. The last incumbent President who lost his second campaign and he honestly wanted to win and had a decent chance???? We have to go to the 1800s at the earliest, can’t be bothered
  17. I get all the races on my TV sports package
  18. And the media is going to prop him up gleefully
  19. Thanks, best summation yet. We are all going to get a cold and slight flu bug this year, don’t fly off the handle The most likely to go crazy are those who pride themselves on being SOOOO scientific and logical, in a pigs eye... they have more superstitions than a medieval peasant
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