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Everything posted by row_33

  1. It was great getting Tiger’s entire first round live on TV. how far we’ve come on access and coverage at Augusta....
  2. If felons get to vote can he then run in 2020 from state pen with a 335 year sentence?
  3. Don’t let it bother you, lots of people like to be bitter and angry for no good reason.
  4. yup deny 1,000,000 times, each one a total lie when proven say "that's old news" worked 100 times for Bill and Hillary
  5. i guess it was going to take Hayward 2 years to come back from that horrific break where do they go from here? is the coach worn out?
  6. hockey is probably the most even of the sports for team strength, the 8th seeding honestly has as much chance as the #1 each year and they give rest and then re-seed after each round hey, you gotta beat the best to win it all, the West is the one to squawk as i perceive, like the NBA, that it's way stronger in talent than the Eastern counterpart the Leafs finished way up there in points gleaned and have a 3rd seed in their division... Tavares got quite the Isles crowd reaction for his return earlier this year, i was laughing the whole time watching the TV they will have to give a lot of blood to knock off Pittsburgh, wear them out for the Caps... Leafs playoff tickets are only when the Christmas bonus was lucrative...
  7. transplant can be the 2020 version of the "Ardent McGovern-in-72" member of the PPP, but even three times as clueless
  8. when Dems don't believe in God they will believe in literally anything else, like Avenatti
  9. seems to be a little bit of Isles fan resentment of 91... fully understood... Do you go to the games? It's about $250 US for standing room only for the Leafs playoff games.
  10. I think this is all suitable grounds for a do-over of the election so HIllary can win fair and square this time
  11. the best game of the 3 early ones last night, probably the best series of the 1st round
  12. they were never better than the 4th option in the East, even if it was working 100%
  13. that's fine, i don't know how my inner-compass self-righteous hypocrite should react to this
  14. yeah but, is he a good guy or bad guy? it's hard to tell when the Dems change their eternal moral stances like a weather vane in a hurricane
  15. i remember vividly when Daniel Ellsberg was given a daily butt-smootching by the media and liberals as being the most heroic American ever.
  16. not a favourite, but one of the most memorable was Jeff Garcia's leg crunching real bad close to my front row seat for a preseason game
  17. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- like when the boxer crossed himself before his fight, a fan asked the priest beside him if that would help him, "only if he can really fight" said the priest. i watched all the action in the Isles/Columbus/Blues games last night, I"m pooped out for more than one game a night now. Go Leafs Go! Try not to be sacrificial candyasses like you always become when playing Boston or other hard-nosed franchises in the playoffs, for once?
  18. oh yes, KMOX came through loud and clear, and Ernie was required listening for the massive rivalry with the Jays in the 80s. now i can barely get local stations on AM but Boston comes through fine in the day time i could deal with Brennaman and Blass as fulltime national ESPNers.
  19. is he a good guy or a bad guy?
  20. buy 10 up top for $50 total and go back to your car or trailer and drink a beer and come back in way cheaper than buying inside it wasn't me, it was my new neighbours.... section 125 is sold out according to the site to buy seasons on the spot. row 33 you say??? by gum.........
  21. who would want to bother caring about the Bills? besides barely 100 people on here
  22. i thought your name here was a form of the LGBTxxx acronym for awhile, until i actually read it...
  23. Duh.... Nam....... they were blowing up banks and government buildings and research facilities every second day for years, closed down Universities and ended semesters by riot
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