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Everything posted by row_33

  1. when the Dems win then everything is fine and whitewashed so you'll have your peace when they win the White House again
  2. they are just seriously baiting someone to unfortunately explode on them in public?
  3. i wish it upon him in both tenses. He's gunnoo go downriver to Nackawick.
  4. i knew from the first post, he needs some time out back in sugarbush territory
  5. Schiff and all 17 intelligence services have perfect evidence
  6. i'm so tired and jaded that i forgot about fantasies the last month or so....
  7. NYT has already designed the whitewashing of Democrat evil for the next 1,000 years the narrative must never be changed by fact or reality
  8. no interest in his father or his "only there because of his father" careers or comments
  9. lots of good reason for optimism signed some decent players to fill in hope the Pats fall apart like the Red Sox are so far...
  10. he isn't Canadian, can't even get to 1% fakery levels he's just the worst example of a dumbass American
  11. oh geez, how did spell correct make it that.... *hammer
  12. they are bitter because Rodgers on one leg is better than anything we've had here since Jim Kelly started to fall apart.
  13. i have no idea what the effects would be for resurrecting one's limbo dancing achievements, especially when you have to say "OOF" every time you sit down or get up.
  14. Ice, your posts are always welcome on here, you apparently tick off the bitter young farts on the board. Good, hope they internally combust...
  15. shine the light on the Democrat ####-a-ROACHEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  16. ------------------------ Yankees and Pale Hose weekend series, always preferred the South Siders to the Wrigley franchise, for watching and listening and attending games. Both WGN and WPIX are carrying tonight's game, will watch the Yankees is O'Neill or Singleton are working it, otherwise Stoney and memories of Harry/Piersall/Hawk...
  17. i thought you were a limbo dancer and entered under the door.... always make sure the stall is empty, unless you want it to be occupied...
  18. Bruins didn't care at all after the first 10 minutes although i have waited for that game for months and a big Leafs fan, i turned it off when it was 2-1, it was soooooooooooooooo boring, and been a long month at work
  19. I want the truth to come out, I also understand that the State has to keep some things secret the worst thing is that the media makes holy saints out of Obama and the Clintons and vilifies everything Reagan/Bushes/Trump did or does all are humans making lousy decisions and having to not tell the whole truth because the public doesn't deserve to hear about it the media and the Dems made their bed among the pigs though, they must pay now.
  20. yesterday i took a chance saved my dime and ***** my pants i miss the old pay-toilets, I'm big enough to reach over and open the door for a free ride had to made extra specially sure that nobody was in the stall first
  21. he is still a more ethically and morally evolved human than the Clintons
  22. after the duct tape, give them a tap on the chin with a rubber hummer to make sure they don't cheat
  23. TIger has never broken 70 in his opening round, 2nd last to tee off today at 1:49
  24. A star player with Notre Dame for highly ranked seasons.
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