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Everything posted by row_33

  1. I was only wiping moisture from my eyes for the 18th and when he hugged his son, I didn’t fall to the ground sobbing....
  2. He only placed it a foot away on the 16th, a real champ would have aced it under that pressure....
  3. Maybe discover there’s a baseball team in Tampa, cheer for them?
  4. Which bandwagon will the six legit Lightning fans around the world jump onto?
  5. CBJ gets the Leafs/Bruins winner
  6. How many gaudy diamonds do they put in the ring for the President’s Trophy winners?
  7. Dick Allen memories?
  8. Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2018-19 President’s Trophy Winner!
  9. Toronto has to be one of the biggest bandboxes in MLB, only Cincy seems to allow more soft home runs to all fields. Geez the ball carries and carries, you see it most when they play at Detroit or Cleveland and what would be a home run in to Toronto comes down 20 feet in front of the warning track. Pillar was in deep trouble in a park with wind and a non-ashtray-streamlined fence, almost felt sorry for him misjudging fly balls outside of the friendly confines of Toronto.
  10. nice not to have to scrounge.... or worry about 1% less paid
  11. sadly I saw Pops late in 1981, the Dodgers were destroying them at 3 Rivers and he came in late for a pinch hit K and they booed him off the field that's how it crumbles
  12. i'm always owed money, so i file 5 years at a time, don't miss the money, nice to get a good pile every 5 or so years
  13. the plan is that the enlightened brilliant people like AOC and HIllary and Bernie take power, then they instruct us on the perfect way to life, by force or murder if we won't listen then they step aside and we all share in this glorious utopia better to let people live their life in freedom of their own chosen goals and under their freedom of conscience, where it is acceptable, and stay the heck out of our lives
  14. two of the greats, in every aspect possible, i usually wear a Pirates hat on scuffy days away from the rat race
  15. huh? rate of what? i didn't see much except some decent grounds for sugar plum fairy whim wishes of potential and improvement. that and $20 won't get you a cup of coffee at Tim Hortons.
  16. this is all bogus crap you can't "research" future sports games, there are at least 250 variables you cannot control, and you can't devise a blind test this is just a dumb publicity stunt by a geek and his buddy who published it in the media
  17. can you go and tell a man who plays in the NFL your little crackpot theory? i'll send you a nice flower arrangement while you lay in your hospital bed for 2 weeks after he B word-slaps you so hard your head does a 720
  18. i miss those days at Jays home games watching Clemens and Halladay get 4 inches of strike zone off both sides of the plate, and nobody said a peep a firm biggie had seasons 5 rows behinds home plate at the Dome and gave me the pair all the time for free during a few dismal seasons, so i got to see the game as close as i ever will
  19. that wasn't Bruins Playoff Hockey last night.... when you take the first two at home, you aren't too overly concerned about winning the third game if the opponent is grossly inferior or has simply quit, then you'll take the game gladly otherwise you save energy and make the weaker team go twice as hard in desperation, if they win that's fine, make them push twice as hard to get the 4th game as well this can backfire...
  20. The Bs are a tricky opponent, they carefully parse out the games when they want to try and then hit you with brutal force and easily win and then they come out with a reenactment of Ice Capades and don't seem to care all that much. Against the Canucks they pulled the ultimate and possumed away the 3 games in Vancouver and tried for the 3 in Boston, losing by one when they yawned and clotheslining when they tried then came out and knocked the living pus out of Vancouver, who thought it was easy pickings..... to take the Cup.
  21. I did personal and corporate returns for a dozen years and took many advanced tax courses. I have no idea what I could say that would solve any problems. So many people have a conviction they can snap their fingers and make everyone happy..... That’s as complex as it has to be.... thanks
  22. good thing their views carry no more weight than people want to waste on it
  23. so the whole world loves the US and Americans? Thanks, I never suspected that. Or you are basing this on minimal chatter or being extremely duplicious here....
  24. okay, must have been fun to watch them score 6 goals a game and get nowhere at all
  25. The Red Sox were the far better team for the comeback year, at a golf tourny a week before it started I couldn't get any of six diehard Yankee fans at my table to bet $10 on the Yankees, the surprise was the Yankees took the first 3 games.
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