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Everything posted by row_33

  1. Has the DOW crashed yet, the NYT has been predicting it will for many many months now
  2. PEOPLE.... PEOPLE... PLEAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ... Fans of the NFL aren't tortured by someone prattling on about their crappy team's loss, most fans are well aware of most big plays in the NFL in a given weekend, we probably had 3 fantasy players or $1,000 involved in that obscure game. When it's an 82 or 162 game schedule that the bozo bores you over for every game, no jury would convict you
  3. PM Netanyahu: "a new community on the Golan Heights named after President Trump"
  4. no spray outside of napalm would have tamed those sand fleas and Lake Superior is not a good place for swimming mostly another year a usual family retreat was scheduled at the usual place, they didn't tell me the Ministry of the Environment had bombed about 35,000,000 large African house flies in the area to kill the tent caterpillar menace, the flies wouldn't reproduce and weren't a hassle outside of 36 or so landing on you when you got out of the car. Zonker was the World Tanning Champion, the days when you smoked and lay in the sun with cooking oil all over you
  5. winning 120-35 and elbowing a guy in the head from a country that we send UNICEF pennies to was beyond the pale
  6. bless you Mueller, we get to piss off the people all over again who truly deserve to be pissed off every waking and dreaming moment of their lives...
  7. Here you go American lefties, learn what it really means to be left politically. You think labeling yourself politically or religiously based on 30 seconds thought is sufficient. open a book and learn what things REALLY MEAN.... https://www.leftbookclub.com/
  8. a few former colleagues blew about $500,000 trying to launch a Lord of the Rings broadway-type show many moons ago
  9. again, all the power to you cheering for a team that in 1970 i couldn't fathom would be hosting a hockey power house...
  10. but fans of EVERY team think they are being screwed over every single play i ran the office and dorm football pools for 20 years, i sat there in common rooms with a dozen fans for each team and both teams were convinced their team was getting screwed over on every play Pats fans scream the loudest over their team getting screwed over, listen to a game on their radio network... i'm kind of very happy to see the interest in the game for SJ not even remotely being condesceding but i can't watch a game without the Leafs on the ice...
  11. good thing most kids give less than a rat's ass about what's in a textbook
  12. they refuse to see the 100% laugh-track of pointing a finger at Trump and not doing the same for Slick Willy and his lovely bride Bluto they will never learn, avoid them in real life at any cost necessary
  13. NFL teams will put entire rows up top on Stubhub if available
  14. sorry Joe, you were a decent option for the Party, but that shipped has sailed and the way they have set up a demand for a candidate to be ideologically pure in act and thought will make it impossible for you
  15. this person hasn't done anything more important than fulfill a fry order at a very weak competitor of Wendy's and never will
  16. glad someone sees "coolness" and a chance to be witty over this evil and monstrous act
  17. guilty of being awesome and winning every single day as President
  18. Red Auerbach went to see Havlicek play one of his last games at tOSU Red got up just after the second half began and made a face and gave the thumbs down sign as he left in front of every watching eye. Probably did the same for a Larry Bird game during his junior season.
  19. came across a paradise of white sand along Lake Superior one hippie-ish summer, nobody was there.... next day got there to work on my tan to challenge Zonker Harris's crown and was simultaneously descended upon by 100 sand fleas?? that starting biting immediately, after 60 seconds i realized i should leave... i really like my work, i need a few days off on occasion to get out of "reptilian brain mode", will easily continue until i croak with my accounting specialty
  20. we want the right call for the team we cheer for but sometimes they can't get to it PI is so subjective, i'll wear out the fast forward button get another case of AA batteries for this nonsense. and it should be at real time speed, not slowed down to picosecond by picosecond analysis, baseball has suffered horribly over this it's almost as bad as the stat-heads out to murder anyone they come across who happens to like their sports as well.... the best is demand for a computer ump on balls and strikes the count dictates the strike zone, that's just something one has to accept unless they watch sports just to get pissed off because their crappy team lost again
  21. i'd rather slave away than sit on a beach (for more than 2 days...)
  22. you missed the boat, KISS in 1978 when i was 12 was the titzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  23. that's all they got in life and even if the report conclusively proved Trump was 1,000,000% guilty, what have they gained? absolutely nothing, sock it to me now. it's like the guy at the office cheering for some crappy obscure sports team, insisting you have to listen to a full replay on the game he watched last night...
  24. they aborted their kids, hate their country, have drugged themselfs out of their limbic system, have never done a thing except for their selfish gratification what's not to love from the Left
  25. do dads still drive a carload of 12 year olds to see acts that are kind of fearful of and wait in the car until it's over?
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