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Everything posted by row_33

  1. The bias isn’t intended, it’s just that the media people all went to the same private schools and earned the same Ivy League degrees and socialize only with people who all hold the same liberal opinions they do They really think they hold the undisputed truth
  2. My first years of interest was the Reagan Admin for which media discussions were civil and the Reagan people were accomplished and educated in their area of concern disagreement abounded but there was some dignity then Clinton unleashed that lying sack of trailer trash named Carville as his mouthpiece and in three seconds it was the eternal death of any civil discussion or attempt to find truth or middle ground The hilarious part is the Clintons to this day whine more about the networks and NYT being grossly biased against them than Trump does
  3. Hillary will announce by Thanksgiving
  4. Years should be spent scouring
  5. I would glaldy welcome finding more of those 1in 8 who don’t have TDS
  6. Need some Clintonian photo shopping of the same people to make a dozen seem like 13,000 people at a rally
  7. TDS has increased and is far more amusing than ever
  8. It was fun TDS has gotten worse since Mueller clearly proved there was nothing worth pursuing
  9. Not a clue how they could possibly know this as of today oh yeah, they say this every year
  10. I kidna berrrrr tae click ‘pon
  11. Hockey was a more popular game then the NBA didn’t take off until the mid 80s finals games on weeknights were tape delayed, CBS showed a rerun of Columbo and Cannon or Kolchak the Night Stalker before the NBA tape at 1:30am, before we had any recording devices The 1984 Finals was possibly the first time we got live prime time games on weeknights
  12. He was on a Twilight Zone episode in the early 1960s
  13. Is Donald Martyr Trump a good way to grab more votes in 2020?
  14. The only predraft thing I heard about him was: 3 technique, one gap, explosive rusher, needs work with hands and finishing think Sapp or Donald for peak career had a hard time keeping his weight up in the 280s a great pick if used properly
  15. Not a whisper but dozens of screams
  16. One fool I used to know got a draw in a large simultaneous against a top player, one of the greats of the Soviet Era who never won the title the great was very sick at the time and died a few days after, this fool I used it know paraded his draw around like it will make him worthy of worship, even 40 years later
  17. Like freaking out over what someone put on the internet as an opinion piece????
  18. socialists build the concentration and extermination camps
  19. We have about 8 people on here who consistently care to talk about politics? I know you like to think everyone cares the same as you do, but hate to break it to you, barely 1% wants to discuss politics in an off-off election year they’d rather a religious nut badgers them about going to hell than listen to liberals ramble on about politics...
  20. Economy is going great end of campaign requirements 99% of voters don’t care about politics, if they have a job and optimism it’s game over for a challenger
  21. Humans are there to encourage repeat customers, people still like to talk to an actual person. Amazing, eh?
  22. The sun ain’t gonna shine any more the moon ain’t gonna rise in the sky the tears are always cloudin’ your eyes when you’re without love (recent RIP to Scott Walker)
  23. Sunshine go away today I don’t feel much like dancing some man’s gone, he’s tried to run my life don't know what he’s asking
  24. vivid seats? oh, for tickets....
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