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Everything posted by row_33

  1. gotta stand here....
  2. Well a Cadillac It pulled out of the graveyard Pulled up to me All they said 'get in', get in Then the Cadillac It puttered back into the graveyard Me, I got out again
  3. you carry around the legacy of what people imprinted on you, most are fortunately forgotten from some you have learned what never to do to people.... ever....
  4. wasn't the fearsome power of the WW king enough of a ruse for all these years....
  5. less Wolfgangs out there than before, but the name isn't that rare...
  6. i'm not going back to see the eye colour of the Waif and others....
  7. it's an accounting specialty that takes a certain type of mindset and work ethic if you were obviously not going to fit in then you might as well leave, there are plenty of other accounting paths to take in your glorious future sometimes a direct chat with the person let them state what they already knew they weren't given a second change to prove they clearly didn't belong on the files and others... well office politics is natural to many we least suspect depends..... i knew audit partners who left a trail of former workers whom they sexually harassed at the very least before firing them.... probably not the case here....
  8. it is, it's a dollar not going to a realistic Dem candidate, which is worse than a realistic GOP candidate
  9. -------------------------------------------------------------- and I'm going to play the Canadian Card here and sneer on how amusing it is for Americans to think they know hockey. (it's all we have left... so please let us have this false view....)
  10. i doubt that any country south of the US has been free of a dictatorship or socialism for the last 200 years of course the liberal play the Blame America First Card at every opportunity to excuse it all away
  11. we can take comfort that AlGore was forced to go over by his Daddy
  12. There is no point to using these powers without a crime already committed, such as direction of hush-money to cover up a botched burglary, or perjury before a grand jury. Some have argued both of these weren't up to the standards required for a case.
  13. his best work was on Cheech and Chong cinematic productions
  14. even so there has to be something that was good about the person to think about, for me this person was good at taking care of his workers financially on projects, but it was other people's money he was throwing around and he didn't care about a budget
  15. that's good.... of 200 people i have worked with only 2 were totally beyond the pale people who would think nothing of lying or sabotaging another's work, even when it didn't help them out in the slightest i helped usher a dozen or so out of firms my own way, those 2 were worthy of champagne celebrations when it was over
  16. baseball playoffs are hopelessly dismal for ratings unless the Yankees are playing, thought I saw the median age of fans watching is into the 60s now for the regular season and high-50s for the playoffs The NCAA and NFL get it over quick, most fans have some kind of pool or $$$ riding on the games to help them out. it's not an inconvenience for fans who watch football constantly to watch 4 NFL playoffs games on a weekend, it's actually one of the best freaking things of the sports calendar for back2back 4 game weekends. Rogers in Canada spent a bloodbath fortune on the NHL package and ESPN did the same for MLB, there is no way they aren't regretting every second of this...
  17. A former dirtbag of a co-worker was killed in a bizarre road accident about a year ago, basically the same thing as you with the animosity still remaining. I take comfort i won't see him again and he won't be pointlessly antagonizing me every time he sees me.
  18. Grateful that Lady Mormont went out like a boss.
  19. longer and more decadent parties than Freddie Mercury here....
  20. that's a fair argument. practically NOBODY watches hockey or baseball playoffs after their team is out, the Yankees will hold a good national audience because of hate and tradition Carolina and Columbus? wouldn't even wipe my ***** with that.
  21. i'll get all the truth i need on Tucker and Hannity tonight
  22. as long as it's as funny as Dan Rather getting an "early 1970's document" that was clearly printed out from a 2003 computer program and insisting it was true even if the document was a fake.
  23. must be sad as they see the royal ass-kicking coming in the 2020 elections, hopefully losing the House for 20 years as well
  24. not at all, i watch the Leafs and that's about it again i have no interest in hockey outside the end of the Leafs season i couldn't ID more than 2 players on each team, they all look the same in the current equipment standards, very few show any superior skills that i could notice from years ago fraud is a heavy word to toss around, i let judges determine it usually... :D i will see how the TV ratings are for Canadian viewers for the rest of the playoffs.....
  25. after the parade of clowns from the liberal side the last two years, disappointingly including practically every person of authority with the IRS/CIA/FBI, nice to have someone with a brain sitting in the chair responding to questions.
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