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Everything posted by row_33

  1. They had the High Priest of horseshit James Carville to tell them everything needed for salvation now they have lame late night talk show hosts to give their most intellectual speeches Yup For all those with the never ending vapours of hysteria... If Trump is the first politician you have become aware of, so that makes you 12 years old, then you get a pass for being such a wuss on lying in politics
  2. Is AOC going to lead the Dems and media to a high mountain top to welcome the glorious end of the world in another 11.5 years?
  3. Look.... them Dems and media have bent the knee to Bill and Hillary for over 25 years, they have no idea what truth is any more after those two have basically lied every time they opened their mouth
  4. This is why people have total contempt for politicians. A woman reading a cue card for the first time and pretending to care about the contents is a poor display for government.
  5. Letter from Barr doesn’t matter at all no Santa Claus no Easter Bunny no collusion grow up
  6. Soft soft Raptors Lowry is not playoff material
  7. talent talent talent on your side of the ball
  8. once a week i figure "what the heck, i'll read this post" and it is 0 for 200 in any kind of satisfaction like me trying to get a hit off Clayton Kershaw, is the probability of any sense out of Tibs
  9. i can barely speak for my community let alone others....
  10. how wonderful that the highly reclusive Hillary showed up on TV last night
  11. the increase in cutting away from any 3-Eyed Raven stuff would have been welcomed
  12. crumbles to dust if for more than 30 seconds or the flag will self-immolate in her hand
  13. these types find a way to survive any organization
  14. didn't they appoint the Asian women to the Board who had 200 Kill Whitey tweets?
  15. just roll the tanks through, declare victory and get quick-sanded by the acre by acre fighting in the streets.
  16. when Hill was carried while drowning in pneumoniac fluid to the van and she popped out 10 seconds later almost better than brand new, it was scarier than a horror movie concept
  17. what would you say to CNN if they asked for your opinion on their rigged poll question? maybe something a little more polite than ***** OFF!!!!
  18. all that will be left is Cersei and Lord Varys
  19. See that cat? Yeah, I love her so See that cat? Yeah, I love her so She got a TV eye on me She got a TV eye She got a TV eye on me Oh, yeah
  20. giving Obama immunity so he can rat out HIllary would be the sweetest justice ever
  21. --------------------------------------------- get acquainted with this series....
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