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Everything posted by row_33

  1. Not sure what that is about
  2. she comes out for breakfast and tells those at the table how she is today going to fly to Australia and make world peace as the Presdient and they all look at each other for a second and say "that's great Nana, come have a seat and have some tea and your pills."
  3. not really Trump might botch it in 2020 and the Dems win the White House "just because" so yeah, Joe is far better than anyone else who has thrown their ring into the hat it's the best of the worst set of options...
  4. i think most of us could fill in for her with integrity just give us a two sentence outline of whatzzzhappening and we can dream up the most counterintuitive mess to common sense and community standards, even better than her
  5. i couldn't even raise one eyebrow to pretend to give a rat's ass
  6. more fun when the folks don't bother to figure out you are left-handed until you are 7 or so and already acclimated to right for many things in high school they demanded i high jump but my plant foot was the left and i couldn't work out an approach from the right, but it felt better to drive to the right in hoops (with decent left side competence, able to dunk with each hand)
  7. good stuff Glenn wanted to work on the 20th century rep that would not get wide release, John Ogdon was another who took to this line of composers, both had a tough time....
  8. then how do polls and elections match up for Socialist victories? always at 99% re-election!
  9. goes well with the cartoon of Bills QBs going over Niagara Falls for that early Thursday game (??) last year my jadedeness won't let me dream of 9, but it would be most enjoyed and savoured...
  10. what is that supposed to mean!!!!!!
  11. she has accomplished quite a lot considering her start in life much to be admired advancing this onto the national scene is another matter though
  12. I'm cheering for Joe, he's the only one remotely near qualification to be President if Trump craters completely about a week before the election, or some catastrophe occurs that makes the Dem the only plausible candidate....
  13. "China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man," Biden said while campaigning in Iowa City, Iowa, arguing that China has problems of its own. "They can't even figure out how to deal with the fact that they have this great division between the China Sea and the mountains in the east, I mean in the west," Biden said. "They can't figure out how they're going to deal with the corruption that exists within the system. I mean, you know, they're not bad folks, folks. But guess what, they're not, they're not competition for us." [was waiting for him to do a Charlie Chan impersonation, he is so out of touch with anything....] and WTH is he even remotely talking about there????
  14. i have no huge fear of heights but wouldn't want to do something like that.... Glenn's CDs are a staple of my existence, especially his 20th century stuff like Krenek
  15. there can be legit reasons ahead that make then win less than 7 games....
  16. missed the playoffs and Super Bowl, did you? and if your answer is "well that's all he really did all season".... i think that proves the point?
  17. this will be very entertaining
  18. the position is a political appointment of the President, I would be extremely surprised if the AG took an extremely defiant stance over nothing sometimes you can appoint your severely underqualified and underaccomplished brother to the posting
  19. yes, you want to rewrite the Social Security system right now on your command. what will be your first command? to whom will you send this email?
  20. From ages 7 to 12 this was the perfect combo telling me a Steelers/Raiders/Miami game was about to start
  21. Doesn't work that way, wishing for it seems as useless as wishing the 2016 election didn’t happen
  22. George Costanza was a bootlegger, a bad man
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