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Everything posted by row_33

  1. But they still hold the house and probably get an impeachment if they really want to bother with it
  2. you can't be trusted to not violate food restrictions in a public school it's not that bad a restriction.... the overall idea isn't good though
  3. why would a conservative want to spend days on end quibbling at a cafe? there is work to be done.
  4. Dany will be a good Night's Queen of the dead to close it out.
  5. they prefer to whine over losing 2016
  6. so many of you totally BOMBED on the NFL theme, it was hands down NBC in the 1970s NBC had the 2nd best theme in the early 80s as well...
  7. that's a walk on the wild side, always fun to explain the game's nuances to US fans sitting beside me
  8. they have worked themselves into a corner of 90 possible plot twists, not intentionally, so they'll do whatever no matter how it bends any sense of science or fantasy
  9. Faith in dragons isn’t what it once once One of the deformed will win out
  10. Been hard times for his folk this season Blondie is going to go insane and have to be taken out?
  11. Some are more enjoyable than others
  12. Thomas might step down soon, so this will be a good battle
  13. One year they gave Obama the women’s bracket and nobody who cared about his picks noticed at all he had Penn State in the Final Four his Fifth year, that would be quite an accomplishment for the men’s team...
  14. He scoops the toppings off the pizza and leaves the crust
  15. ——- okay so Euron, if he has a brain, might now realize that Cersei’s baby isn’t his, but I’m at the same time ready to believe this is a script oversight with the sloppiness of the show this season...
  16. Darn, I thought Cersei would surrender right there. guess she has some issues with the child she is carrying, the imp didn’t help matters, hope he can catch up with the others on their trek home great work on crafting 100 of those weapons that kill dragons and destroy ships, all in about a week or year or whatever time warp they have made up I was most concerned about Ghost from last week, along with wishing Ramsey Bolton could have joined in for his demented fun on the WWs
  17. Dan Aykroyd as Carter telling people to beat inflation by throwing their dollar bills into the fire was too point on and deadly, they never did that again.
  18. Poor Ghost, not even a farewell pat on the head?
  19. Alright, one more chance until we declare its now on....
  20. Game and Barry back to back, good times
  21. The two Eskimos fans in my life are hoping every day he returns to Edmonton shortly.
  22. From last year after that playoff run as a prelude...
  23. One of the races for Spectacular Bid or Seattle Slew went to review for a bumping during the race, way back when...
  24. I’m sure this attitude would change drastically if I met him
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