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Everything posted by row_33

  1. What if both keel over tonight?
  2. ————- went to five stores as usual for the weekly supply, lineups were the usual water, toilet paper, soap, most meat, bread were gone ham and bacon and ribs were present any food with a sales sticker was taken by these locusts posing as humans im usually stocked up anyways so I didn’t mind, I got my usual staples and a few luxuries, the pet food store was fully stocked with cat food as well
  3. they have strong bones and good hair
  4. work is essential to leave sometimes we are free to work at the office or home the next little while. My online University course is set to set Thursday night
  5. curfews.... back in the day the newly liberated (so they thought) generation older than me would answer curfew settings by saying they’d sleep with as many as they wanted by 10pm anyway and they didn’t use that euphemistic term either
  6. Should have patented my very happy lifestyle of staying at home, except for essentials, and no social interaction
  7. a decade ago I was at a meeting and the senior partner went digging for gold, it was sad and time to pack it in Joe is threatening to take a swing at iron workers in hard hats? Please film it when he does take the first poke
  8. I would like to get some groceries, nothing like grabbing 8 loaves of bread, this could be fun
  9. hockey demands teammates beat up the offender and a trade happens Leafs have had three incidents I can think of, the last resulting in a veteran retiring surprisingly just before the playoffs started
  10. Going long and deep up your nostril during a client meeting is usually the end of your accounting partner work at the big firm
  11. they are revolutionaries telling the truth to power
  12. He will eventually go for the deep two-minute nose pick during a public event
  13. the tipping point will be reached by the end of the month if there isn’t the disaster being screamed at us by the media
  14. started watching the year of Big Red and with the triple crown winners stacked up after him I got spoilt and thought it was routine
  15. If you tell a classroom that ON AVERAGE men are taller than women, a woman will stand up and say that’s not true because Jennifer is taller than Steve. and almost all the class will smirk at you because your argument has been destroyed right there but the same smirkers will swallow anything in the name of science involving predictions of the future
  16. they build these models on a Jenga tower of assumptions 59 miles high and don’t tell us half of them When it doesn’t go their way they say they were 100 percent correct because half the assumptions they outlined didn’t take place
  17. The best was asking if research was being done to determine why the elderly were more likely to get sick..... that’s your one question of Dr. Fauci?!?
  18. don’t quote facts it dampens the panic...
  19. If that many were infected then many of us on here had it and you must have known a lot as 60 million is a good chunk of the US population.
  20. we had 60 million infected 10 years ago without this contrived panic
  21. Canadian cities would move faster than the province if it were necessary
  22. They have snowflaked out completely
  23. Trump tests negative If this upsets you please go and ***** yourself
  24. Has to be a way to shift the gut into helping the lift
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