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Everything posted by row_33

  1. i'm sure she was 34....
  2. in the history of the cheap shots and deliberate injuries to an opponent and slurs delivered in an NFL game, that was the first time someone snapped that bad he better show contrition when he shows up at HQ
  3. the winning TD wasn't completely provable on replay either way, another reason not to seek a Utopia through replay. i was indifferent to the winner of that game and had no problem with it being a TD and it standing
  4. i take the position that i see this and shake my head a bit and move on
  5. nothing justifies Garrett's behaviour, he had better repeat that line every time he has to answer a question if he wants to be cashing checks for the long term
  6. this isn't the remorse that The Shield wants from its players in the penalty box
  7. if he gets in, fine with me if he doesn't, fine with me the NFL is selling something, you might find it is less appealing as the years go by, you may not....
  8. Dick led the Bears to a 13-3 fluke season and dined on it to his Bill appointment. Bears did the same in 2018 with a 12-4 fluke season, for which people will dine off it for the rest of their career.
  9. it certainly helps, but the greats get in even without a panel show
  10. would watch the Leafs play a weeknight game, and then filthy homer Biff Beeper would only talk about the Sabres game during his sports recap the next morning hard lessons learned at the age of 3....
  11. if you don't care, then why would anyone else care? okay, that's two hot takes, got a third?
  12. how did his teams do when it mattered?
  13. so you can tell us right now what two teams in December 2020 are guaranteed to be good, that are playing each other?
  14. this gets a new thread every week here?
  15. i guess all the fans in the lives of the decision-makers have nothing better to do with their week than sit there waiting to see if they go to the game Sunday morn or night, or Monday night now?
  16. nope, but they don't need you to speak for them "always"
  17. today's earworm song of the day, this genuinely gets more and more brilliant every year since i first heard it upon releasse.
  18. All the time meaning maybe once a year? okay....
  19. rams chargers raiders a few times for 2 of ‘em Of course he was one of the best
  20. Never ran into a dramatic change of over a decade of attending college games moving it from noon to 3:30 is not remotely close to a catastrophe
  21. don’t let facts stop an emotional argument... it should be enough the other 3 MOVED, but apparently not.... ?
  22. yup, tougher for MNF though, sadly
  23. Here’s to the next 55
  24. they could start to make it better by not giving us an obviously horrible Washington team 3-4 times every season...
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