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Everything posted by row_33

  1. The sad isolation around everyone is a square mile, most obvious when he is getting a bowl of ice cream for Kim
  2. Buffalo TV ran one around 1969 to 1972 of a cartoon of a man coming home from work in a business suit, sitting into his chair and reading the paper a voiceover would say take away his hat, it disappeared take away his suit take away his paper take away his chair and he wound up in his underwear in a tree again I ask what the heck was this about?
  3. We only had one pair of pliers in the house and if they got lost there was hell to pay, especially the nights when the NCAA hoops finals and the Oscars were on at the same time
  4. Joe Gilliam was the most prominent early QB as he had the starts for the first 6 games of the first Steelers SB season.
  5. and the first sip when you got your Dad a beer
  6. He’s Robert James Smith, dig
  7. As a classical and opera fan I can gladly put a permanent wall of separation up to divide my appreciation from front men in pop and rock
  8. did 7 carry preseason back to the 70’s?
  9. some see the danger inherent in a change but most go along thinking all change is good and when the obvious problem shows up inevitably the all-change-is -good people don’t bother to care at all and look to cheer the next dangerous change but you can leave that team, think a little bit...
  10. How long had channel 7 carried preseason games? Seemed like yesterday that all the games were on NBC
  11. The videos were vital to the DRL era back then the University common rooms were filled with smart people who sat there watching videos 13 hours a day
  12. Nobody can take away ones personal life or listening enjoyments, things do go on after we stop being part of listening culture that buys up everything in sight, as we get older but we can set up discussions and sort it out and maybe get some tips on what we missed out on when we started to work and maybe raise a family I will give the Sammy stuff a spin this year, thanks for the recommendations
  13. It was ideal to be 11 for the debut of VH, the band was on top of the trends in rock and moved perfectly into the MTV Era and then when one was old enough to move on Dave left the band, so there was little to find entertaining unless one was a hardcore fan
  14. sure it is when they could have bought the team for a lot less
  15. If I was fine I’d get out and head forward to see if I could help others in need
  16. For Joe Jackson a greatest hits package is a best start.
  17. I figured you were joining me in raising an eyebrow at the 20/20 hindsight assurance club on here for how to react when you have smashed into a 30 car chain on your hood and you can hear a dozen smash into a chain on your trunk.... smart to call AAA or tow it away from the danger for tire or other single car problems
  18. we had Juice, made the playoffs once riding him all the way, he later crumbled from getting the stuffing knocked out of him for five great seasons
  19. agitator someone tolerated as long as he is producing and he’s given the bum’s rush the second he ain’t A different type of clubhouse poison is one where they shrug and say “that’s just Manny (Ramirez) being Manny” and the axe falls swiftly
  20. Been about 34 of my 46 years as a fan that would constitute futility
  21. Oh, and a great kicker and punter and a few great return men should easily be added
  22. Worry about it if it happens But don’t try to change a tire on the shoulder of a major highway, 2 colleagues were killed unnecessarily
  23. Vanity projects aren’t intended to make $$$
  24. What?? top quality additions will include at a minimum 3 WRs 2 TEs 3 offensive lineman a power RB And the D will obtain 8 or 9 quality players in the offseason hope the Bills are paying attention to those fans in here demanding these easy improvements ?
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