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Everything posted by row_33

  1. a wild card spot would be just fine you never know.... (yeah you do...)
  2. half the board wants Harvin on the Wall of Fame now
  3. Used to watching Sparty crumble like Andy Reid in the clutch moments of important games.
  4. Deaths-head Revisited episode would be something to see tripping balls.
  5. i knew there had to be a key to watching it continuously.... i figure almost everyone raving about TZ is thinking of 5 episodes of the 150 or so, not having sat through the worst 80 of them. last week saw the one where Rod shows up in the show as a participant...
  6. a ton of it was two-bit hack writing Rod was fixated on a few themes that showed up time and time and time again have you tried a binge watch of the first 3 seasons of the show? again, 25 or 55 minutes just to get to the obvious punchline for most of it TV isn't a place to find a lot of excellence in the humanities.
  7. the NHL is used to stars taking time off, a few great careers have ended a little early due to concussion the NFL has no time for esoteric injuries, you play if you can get out there, broken bones and all (i'm not endorsing this view but i still watch every week...)
  8. Sabres and Leafs on top of the division!! may it stay this way all season.
  9. "wait a minute Pizza Man, maybe we can work something out..." freaking Shakespeare right there
  10. i had a feeling all along not to trust aliens led by Lurch --------------------------------------------------------------- it seemed like heaven when full-access binging started up, EVERY EPISODE, YEE=HAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.... didn't seem like heaven after sitting through a few dozen TZs, some are classics of TV history (most sure aren't....) those one-hour teleplays, oof.............
  11. NHL has guaranteed contracts and the NFL doesn't
  12. too bad 98% of QBs in NFL history weren't this handicapped at playing football
  13. Pat LaFontaine...
  14. c'mon, 2/3 of TZ episodes were a long stall of 25 to 55 (gasp!!) minutes of waiting to deliver the obvious punchline.
  15. And embraced a hectic life loaded with high stress levels
  16. And Rod didn’t get to his 51st birthday...
  17. NG reruns were poorly handled with editing and cuts. And don’t get started with the Gary Collins stuff tossed in.....
  18. No a crutch would be taking steroids to pack on an extra 30 pounds of muscle you otherwise cannot produce, and you would not be able to compete without taking these steroids
  19. it's part and parcel 100% of staying with this team how could we have it any other way or leave
  20. okay, i can stretch the timeline of greatness to this song, the only one after Exile, and only on vinyl...
  21. sad that Tampa won, Oakland's uniforms and stadium is a million times better, as well get the west coast time feed into scheduling now we have this circus joke of a stadium and 5,000 bandwagon fans with cowbells?
  22. 86 playoffs put to the test those eternal baseball questions about choking in big moments. Gene Mauch choked worse than the Red Sox the Red Sox choked games 6 and 7 away to the Mets so everything was alright.
  23. Rays can't draw fans
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