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Everything posted by row_33

  1. the ****** what ESPN says as a rumor
  2. hockey hits are often at higher velocity and the players tend to have more mass to contribute and after viewing the hardest of NHL hits, most were delivered without a clue that they were coming, no chance to brace oneself, in the NFL you have to be expecting to get hit hard every time you are carrying the ball.
  3. so now ESPN is the dispenser of pure truth?
  4. the Igloo (Civic Arena) is built different. concessions and the escalator exit are at the top of the upper tier seating, so to get to the front rows you have to walk down many steps, not much fun when you have an elderly person with you.... most stadiums have concessions at the bottom of upper tier seating.
  5. not much velocity behind the hit, if they were at full speed on ice skates at collision it would have more impact
  6. the ice speed of hockey players colliding is often faster than man running, and NHL men on the blue line carry a significant larger amount of mass than an NFL DB, the boards cause a sudden stop as well adding to the impact, ice is less forgiving than a football field for impact as well. i have never felt concern for an NFL hit as i have for dozens of hockey hits this one was a big deal, seems like yesterday.
  7. Russillo's podcast this week had a former Pat on who went through the agony of sitting through Belichick game film review when you had a lousy game.
  8. i wasn't thrilled with 1981, even as a Dodgers fan back then early 70s Oakland was the dynasty for my first baseball years, those uniforms were the gaudiest and the greatest, and they were a bunch of arrogant jerks to be hated or appreciated. it was mentioned how it was the friendliest backdrop for batters with the dark green fence and site of many cherished NFL contests, not too many of recent vintage though.
  9. this kind of thing probably takes a lot of faith to accomplish and it's for the best going forward, if you can do it
  10. no memories of much beyond the World Series clashes, too many games to recall wild card weekend in the NFL is usually forgotten by the DIvisional Weekend, so are all the bowl games i watched
  11. and this.... is the part of your brain....
  12. could move the Vegas line if they show their hand prematurely
  13. he barely had a step of momentum, Josh traipsed down the garden path into that one Burfict exhibited that full speed streamlined hit for a critical analysis.
  14. the Dennis Rodman-type bowler on Arli$$ was amazing as well.
  15. ---------------- quite the path of this young lady from wide-eyed innocent to a ummmm...... hoyden....
  16. the only bigger wish is the o-line wanting a full head of steam downfield to righteously clock a DB
  17. going for the quadruple-header today, watched all 4 so far... nice to have MLB Network for free during this round, with the Yankees solely on this network they'd BETTER do this for me....
  18. STILL so much to learn.... i will be watching
  19. didn't see a single finger-wag from anyone outside Bills fandom
  20. i thought Penn State was your bugaboo
  21. every DB who ever played would gladly hit him like that if given the chance
  22. he retired because he wasn't anywhere close to honestly playing in the NFL
  23. you mean another hit to the head may knock him back into health?
  24. expecting a bit letdown in prep and motivation this Sunday not too much i hope
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