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Everything posted by row_33

  1. the rules are set up before the season starts and the division winner is the division winner (like the Electoral College determines the President, not the Popular Vote...) happens in all sports..... it does seem unfair after the fact sometimes.
  2. that's "after-the-fact" thinking, which doesn't work in the real world the teams play by the rules set up beforehand and sometimes a team can win a division with a lousy record often they gladly coast into that easy spot, resting up and not wasting a single drop of sweat that wasn't required. the Patriots have eased back the last few seasons on games already won or not worth the struggle
  3. Cowart was the last jersey for an active player active for another 2 weeks...
  4. AP's hand out discipline, right?
  5. it's okay, i'm not a fan, that was a great performance all around hopefully an undefeated tOSU/Wisky conference title game that is close this year
  6. the rules are set up ahead of time and teams strategize off these rules to their advantage. a team will gladly coast into a division title, with a few less wins than if they tried their hardest all season. the NFL loves these rivalry divisions and won't be changing anytime soon. a few WC have won it all, not sure about a 7 or 8 win division winner.
  7. my Rob Johnson jersey was a good gift when asked i pretended it was for Lonnie or Flip Johnson
  8. i'll just tape and watch Utah and Portland games this year, 2 honest franchises that are playoff teams.
  9. those British shows required complete silence for viewing month python was never on the screen though
  10. then the plastic TV dial broke so the channel was changed with a pair of pliers And children were commanded to sit there and watch in total silence, especially during British shows on PBS
  11. Used to imbibe to the point where I built up some tolerance for strong cigars, long time ago... one grandfather would bring out the best cigars and scotch for family dinners, I was too young, then he had a heart attack and abstained for his last 29 years just as I could have started to enjoy. I sorta miss just sitting there half-contemplating life for 2 hours as a good cigar burns away
  12. ——- it’s okay to celebrate a great win, your team is for real
  13. three divisions were over for the regular season before all the fans settled into their seats, all 3 with 4 Brinks trucks each backing in when the median is 1.25 per team I’m an AL East territory fan, that is a cutthroat situation of $$$ and bandbox stadiums and the severe power game, almost a slo-pitch league I would have a very different view if the Jays were in the AL Central or NL You fans on here with the NL East and Central perspective don’t have a clue what it’s like in the AL East or how it curdles and addles when your team doesn’t have a hope for the next decade 1/3 of the Os and Jays season is played against the Yankees/RedSox/Rays no other division has anything close to that for imbalance against teams like this
  14. I’m up there in height and girth, sure not in good as shape at 280 as those carrying it and still playing
  15. I know I will regret spending all that time with family Bunch of ungrateful weasels
  16. Knew some cigar smokers who inhaled deeply, that would have knocked the top of my skull off during vomiting if I tried that trick
  17. Still early but the East has taken 10 points to 1 off the West in interconference games so far
  18. Or committed an atrocity after leaving I mostly wore former player jerseys to games, I’m built to play on the offensive line so I didn’t hear any smart-mouth comments on my choices
  19. sure didn’t elude the two Pats with ease
  20. they do what they can, can cause extreme distress to visiting overrated teams that look past the Hawkeyes the better team, Michigan, won, but it wasn’t impressive and showed too many flaws in a team that wants to run with the big boys
  21. Harbaugh is turning out to be an even laxer and less organized than Lllloyd
  22. In the AL two divisions were practically over by July 1st. that was exciting and divisions where the best teams are barely mediocre can pretend to have an exciting time finding out who sucks least
  23. Best Serling show ending was John Carradine’s reveal of the big surprise on NG scared me bad 4 decades ago, the same age as the kids, and I still have no logical resolution for it
  24. With the WC option a legit contender can sit back and see how things play out, they don’t mind losing the division title because the WC option bails them out in Toronto they pretend to be a playoff contender even though 10 under .500 in July you now have billionaire TV rights tyrants running away with it and a few teams honestly seeking the rest of the spots the Yankees.... yeah they were vital in the prior century...
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