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Everything posted by row_33

  1. Meanwhile the Astros assistant GM situation is being looked into....
  2. i am sure you thought that was funny.... so how old are people when you tell them you think their knowledge and memories of great games don’t matter any more? i enjoy talking to people who recall the games of the 50s and 60s it was better when it was the 20s and 30s but nobody who saw Babe Ruth play is around any more
  3. nothing wrong with humble wishful thinking i’d enjoy the Ducks winning out
  4. in the late 80s i was a big reader of neo-conservative views, which meant they were Commies/Marxists during their school days (never blamed them for Depression-Era wishes while students) and became conservatives when they saw the damage the 60s was bringing. of course this all got waylaid by the liberal media tarnishing the concept of n-c, never understanding where it came from or admitting nuance is a natural process of people with 3 digit IQs.
  5. Nixon was totally worried about the media's daily barrage Reagan brushed it off mostly, but his cabinet was shook by the media W was clueless
  6. it was complicated for John's image and i don't perceive he has a ruddy clue why that possibly could be....
  7. won't have to give blood to Eagles fans, it's a home game for the Bills
  8. all you needed was a GOP leader who literally does not give 2 ***** what the media thinks of him
  9. fence in pervs like Gary Hart??? he must be grinding his teeth every day at how cheaply he got thrown under the bus compared to what was shortly arriving...
  10. was that the greatest or what.... starting his nomination speech with a military salute and "reporting for duty" did IN FACT matter to veterans of that war....
  11. big 12 undefeated takes out Oregon in a picosecond. long shots..... SMU, Minnesota, Appalachian State..... Gophers won't be a fluky pick if they run the table in the B1G (not bloody likely....)
  12. they were getting desperate, the Dems didn't have a legit national political figure since JFK was assassinated, until Bill Clinton showed up.
  13. section, they've got NOTHING at all to proceed with, it's just a joke and circus waste of time they have to get over Trump winning the election, he's going to do it again in another year.
  14. it who decides how valuable that matters we are a few years away from a freely available "social usefulness" point-score on every person in North America that is traced on the internet get ready....
  15. Irving is rolling in his grave.
  16. and the prediction that your car will come with a point score on how valuable you are to society so if you have the lower score your auto car will kill you first in a dilemma
  17. shafting the Giants national fanbase.
  18. for 20 years now? maybe more...
  19. a friend was 10 feet back of the car ahead at a red light, he was always cautious like that a truck hit him from behind and rammed him right into the car ahead, for which he was at fault on the claim good thing he gave that much distance as a habit
  20. no relation to Vaughn Meader, i hope...
  21. when i was 8 i was a soccer goalie and during warmups one night my father just ripped into me fiercely and i started crying and 3 other fathers came over and told him to cut it out that net looks a lot larger when you are in the midst of that...
  22. i have suffered on here for stating that Obama was a good President
  23. is the House a more useless and thankless task these days than the Vice Presidency?
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