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Everything posted by row_33

  1. he brought the crosier right down SMACK on Joe's balding head?
  2. nobody cares about the World Series unless their team is playing, or the Yankees.
  3. he took out the two without putting any in
  4. the brave Whistleblower who could never be identified and has 3 book advances promised already
  5. i'm sure Joe thinks he can answer any possible question you throw at him for IT stuff he's just built that way
  6. Jeff George was an incredibly talented head case who kept being assigned to the worst possible coaches of his playing days.
  7. still good to wear to work?
  8. I'm curious.... you mean a Southern Ontario flatness/non-accent that takes over the US for movies and TV shows and TV broadcasting? Martin Short, John Roberts, Peter Jennings, Dave Thomas or a region elsewhere in our Glorious Dominion? the SO one is almost impossible, i've asked several able mimics to try it and they have a lot of trouble.
  9. shoulders, ankle a total blessing considering my sports pursuits until 23
  10. that's okay, the worm will turn and the GOP and the right doesn't play clown games when it goes Dem hunting
  11. he shouldn't but his yes-toadies should have at least one IT person aboard....
  12. Archie Manning was worthy of so much more support around him.
  13. beats reading a book or learning something
  14. goes back to being a Dodgers fan until the Jays showed up also, MLB has given them a complete exemption to cheat and doctor the baseball since Mike Scott it is so plainly obvious, no other team has this exemption
  15. a good way to get through some audit work until the next meeting... i don't care what the critics said!!
  16. *****..... a few injuries were more gruesome in the NFL but they included the effects of gravity and weight-bearing limitations on leg bones
  17. VOA was awesome, i mean deep state stuff, which the media and Hollywood told me non-stop was pure evil by the USA during the 70s and 80s
  18. even with them... i'm an AL East snob and know very well what Houston put together....
  19. now they can make up a fake story about their lives in danger from landing in combat zones
  20. in a boxing/combat sporting event? i've read a few interviews with those put away by them to put it up there with pain, and you have to go through it...
  21. Needed this CanCon 70s classic (interesting lyrics) as subway to and fro will be in the dark for most of the next 6 months....
  22. Bills need to get better in a lot of areas and then they can win legit games from kickoff to kneel down
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