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Everything posted by row_33

  1. i saw a quick feature on the Gopher's QB, but not holding my breath usually a joke opponent except for that time when they had Maroney and Barber in town at the same time, stole one at Ann Arbor (again not unexpected) too bad Wisky isn't at Iowa, that would have made it another game of huge implication...
  2. only if Michigan has another gut punch loss and Penn State ---------------------------------------- in Columbus after another LLLLLoyd loss, this one wasn't unexpected. Friend in maize M cap is putting gas in for the long ride home, two Buckeyes fans come up and start razzing about the game, to which he replies "enjoy the Alamo Bowl", as Michigan was off to the Rose Bowl they slunked away ---------------- this Minnesota game is huge for implications all around the Big Ten.....
  3. if the Bills lose this week the national attention will still be more stable than it will be on this board.
  4. more like the time Charlie took his nephew Jake to a Cluckee's Chicken in Watts
  5. i didn't include Hearts, which was a girlfriend's favourite song to suck face to back in the day...
  6. you should assume this will be posted here about 2 seconds after it is publicly available if you don't know when that happens....
  7. but you need the talent, most of the very talented athletes have their heads in the game telling me the team has heart is a harbinger for a crushing loss
  8. gotta be flexed if it's eligible and the big game of the week
  9. they've had a serious upper-tier Mormon at the nomination and Senate mouthpiece for the GOP for a long time now and haven't thought for a microsecond to ask just what this means about his personal beliefs and lifestyle and how it would effect political actions....
  10. the $$$ is too important, it corrupts those making laws and decisions on borders my only hope is that someone who wasn't inevitably going to be a stoner can be encouraged to never partake
  11. i always think of them as the people in school who responded to homework in math class with 1) ***** YOU!! and/or 2) what USE is this to me [well it won't be much to you for the rest of your life sport....] or 3) were too drugged out to even notice homework assignments
  12. excellent idea, keep it going, I'll post my usual perky and mirthful comments
  13. it needs no hype how will LSU blink first this time ?
  14. the LRTs in Toronto are jamming up the works 4 of the last 6 weeks the main subway line from Yonge to Finch was shut down all weekend, but you can take a shuttle bus..... just shoot me.... they are shutting down all kinds of vital lines every weekend for another year running.
  15. no particular order: Comin' Back to Me Plastic Fantastic Lover Miracles Volunteers Today the 2 Grace anthems have been tramped to death into the mud from 10,000 hearings....
  16. it's not a big enrolment school... i enjoyed my 3 trips there, good updates, make sure you again real soon y'hear
  17. i get fearful in line at most Popeyes my understanding is CFA is more friendly to family and other mortals
  18. half the country will be walking around certain in the knowledge that their way of life is correct and things are good (you know, obey the law, be a decent person, work and study hard, raise a family, think of someone else for a change) and the grumpy bitter goofballs who refuse to accept this way of life will be grumpy and bitter and hoping something outside themselves will sweep in and rescue them
  19. WGAS WGAF about Strasberg's little display
  20. i assume he has two dozen mults on here and 20 of them are "conservatives" pretending to argue with him
  21. it only potentially happened when i wasn't interested
  22. people want drugs and drug $$$ corrupts lots of important people it will never end
  23. you mean you THINK or HOPE they are
  24. i would expect that about 99% of fans would know this, but on here you never know...
  25. i prefer other Byrds albums besides that one the C&W fad of that era was best employed by the Stones and the Grateful Dead
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