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Everything posted by row_33

  1. when the Bills start winning these things should take on less grounds for grumbling
  2. been awhile since the Bills and Fish played and it mattered
  3. the top announcers tell us all we need to know
  4. not driving during the week has clearly reduced road rage for me nice to have a car on the weekend though, then the rage picks up
  5. no freaking way I'm tuning in for Jags and Titans seems like at least 13 of the 16 each week is about as sucky as this option
  6. just show up, you never know the Raptors had the perfect storm of basically every good Warrior getting injured
  7. still us old fogies around who won't let you mix the AFL/NFL rivalry much more why bother joining the Giants and Jets, don't these fans suffer enough:?
  8. i don't mean to honestly i'm sorry..... so sorry.... please accept.... my apologeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.......
  9. i think Tom would have gone into a massive depression chamber if he had the same record as the Bills
  10. it's football nobody is given half the credit they deserve if you whine this is unfair, 5 laps!!!
  11. i know, please to meet you, what's puzzling you is the nature of my game...
  12. that was overrated, any team would have beaten the Raiders without Bo Jackson...
  13. to the pure of heart, everything is pure....
  14. and the sugarbaby division is the NFC East, they sacrifice nightly to get Washington back in contention to show even more Prime Time games
  15. the late 60s/early 70s Habs are criminally ignored by Habs legend and lore, the 50s and 70s get all the glorieux the Finals were a total joke but they almost killed themselves in epic series against the equally great Bruins always exceptions, the NBA has so far bypassed the game of even 10 years ago in shooting and offence. i watched 90% of Jordan's games those years and will never forget it, but i can't compare his game at the time to today's....
  16. just put the Bills in with the Browns and Jets and Fish and see if they can win with that
  17. i mentioned hands on a clock the other day and got a blank stare
  18. they hate other people's progress, it must come at the expense of themself or someone they pretend to feel sorry for yeah, you can go through your entire life like that
  19. nah, lawyers will never tire of something to say or futz around for one trial they insisted on going through the details on 15,000 cheques until it was stopped after 3 solid weeks "is this a cheque" yes "from a bank" yes "is the account there, and if so can you read it" yes, 325-83589 (up to 15,000 times if it was required, all the same account)
  20. that was the near perfect combo for the next 6 years, with that speedbump the next season.....
  21. St Louis Blues fans cherished those 3 in a row sweeping in the Stanley Cup Final, then won one... the Blues were only there because the NHL dictated the Expansion 6 got a team in the SCF.... the biggest farce in sports history...
  22. LOL!! football is tough did your coach ever pat you on the head and say your effort was enough?
  23. then a beam of light will form and he'll rise to heaven
  24. Free agency gets attractive when your team has already established a winning base and needs a few parts to get over the top when the GM can ask a FA "are you ready to come over and win a title here?" not quite there yet....
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