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Everything posted by row_33

  1. The Gophers were lethal with Maroney and Barber in the backfield their fluke of not playing any hard games until this week does not override historical reality for the program 3 o' their last 4 games are tough, I'm cheering for them!!! gonna learn the fight song... http://fightmusic.com/mp3/big10/Minnesota__Our_Minnesota.mp3 http://fightmusic.com/mp3/big10/Minnesota__The_Minnesota_Rouser__new.mp3 http://fightmusic.com/mp3/big10/Minnesota__Go_Gopher_Victory.mp3 one of these 3 has to be playing in the background as Keith Jackson welcomes us to the HHHDome with big rollin' uglies all over the field... is GameDay there this weekend?
  2. Brady and Montana were often accused of this, well, a few more completions than that....
  3. i recall Homer was a Grand Funk (Railroad) enthusiast didn't open the clip...
  4. that would be an epic season in the ACC, already giving up one home game
  5. Thriller was a total cultural takeover, maybe the last one of its ilk in music? It was my senior year in HS, i grew too old to care much about Top 40 shortly thereafter
  6. so what are you fans realistically looking for this season?
  7. Laughlin portrayed being a thief of the $$$ in people's wallets on the Larry Sanders Show
  8. that's how it burns at least they got the Jets/Bengals/Fish to choke away won games it all washes out in the end.
  9. as with the first term, if you care about yourself and others and show up... you will be rewarded for your work and study efforts
  10. for example....? i would nominate the Raiders/Eagles of 1980 as a truly open playoff year as the Steelers were finally finished and the year the Rams and Titans got there in another truly open playoff year 2019 isn't shaping up to be like that, so far....
  11. should make it an 18 team Champions League and a 14 team Scrub League. Bottom four in the CL are relegated and the top 4 in the Scrub are promoted at year end. See what teams stay in the Scrub until well past 2050.
  12. aren’t you reading all the bold predictions on this board?
  13. have you forgotten Garth’s rock and roll alter-ego Chris Gaines and the publicity hype around the album and accessories? Released Nov 30, 1982, the timing of it becoming huge in people’s lives varied after that date
  14. The NFC East is the crown jewel of the NFL and its broadcasting empire stop wishing Dallas would be moved out of it...
  15. tough opponent
  16. And the GI Bill after WW2 opened up the top schools in a way that would never be dreamed of again for people who never had a chance otherwise those are people whom the school deemed would make a positive contribution by means other than academic.
  17. And again.... at top schools.... like a Harvard or Yale.... admissions are 1/3 legacies, the children and later generations of graduates, especially those who donated $$$$$$ 1/3 placements to people who would make the school a better place such as athletes, affirmative action, artists, musicians and 1/3 to pure academic achievement, good luck with this means of admission
  18. Ace of Spades is a top ten album for many of us Thriller came out before 1984
  19. you were not even born yet, congrats!!! it was a great sports time, Walton Blazers/LaFleur Habs/Reggie Yankees/Bradshaw Steelers
  20. all pro sports were best when a fan was 11 years old, 1977 for me.... great teams in all sports that still ring out to me for excellence
  21. need a Canadian news source to name the whistleblower first, then everyone can jump in?
  22. it was worse last season, they were lackluster until they tore the Chargers a new one and sent it to garbagetime in the first quarter in the playoffs
  23. Your country decided to not implement a national health care plan, and they sure cannot do one now. I have no moral qualms about this, i would hope that some day the US can provide care for the poor who have dire medical conditions that are readily treated (heart/cancer... nothing fancy) But nobody sees this as a useful goal.
  24. people are foiled from watching two games at the same time in this day and age?
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