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Everything posted by row_33

  1. i'd rather they play like they had a clue and lose a few than play like total crap and beat a 3-win team again
  2. i was there in the early 2000s for a massive Sparty 4th quarter choke at AA, 3OT winner with Braylon Edwards starring in the win.
  3. most coming in with those complaints are already blazing away takes a liberal to pretend there is no connection at all, and on top of it think blazing away will solve the problems
  4. oh great, Pegula is stuck in a daydream based on NFL Films Presents from the 60s and 70s?
  5. i would pitch in $10 to have you meet Ray and tell him this, and film it for me
  6. Terry looks so small and helpless in these hits...
  7. no question he has talked himself into whatever narrative he wishes even as a law and order guy the D did a great job tearing apart the investigation and the DA was incompetent Willie Mays and others are still around, of obvious interview worthiness (and mentally competent) and are totally ignored by the media.
  8. does fan590 set up for internet or cut it off? SiriusXM (at the office all day) 803 Bills 807 Browns feeds
  9. liberals hate women everything they have to do with women is out to destroy them
  10. welcome to college football, that's a Sparty patented move, perfected by John L. Smith you should KNOW THIS ALREADY cheering for Michigan.... ????
  11. during the election slaughters from Nixon to Papa Bush the Dems/liberal media went with the party line that "all politics are local" and abandoned the Pres election to concentrate on Congress and local candidates.
  12. the Dems and other liberals always claimed the US was just as evil as the USSR for human rights protection and abuses it was always a foolish comparison but the Dems are doing their best to imitate USSR methods
  13. my home is on the borderline between old rich and slums when it was local election time i got pamphlets talking about: 1) leaf blower noise in early hours on weekends; or 2) crackhead crime and attempts to stop people from kidnapping children and stuffing them into mason jars then the Provincial Government merged the two a few years ago, the rich folk won.
  14. right leg first, the left side needs a bit more consideration as is usual not a thing to do with handedness
  15. you been reading the hagiographies written for Ocasek and Grace on here? enough already....
  16. up 14-0 and an onside kick was fine it put the game out of its misery
  17. Bama with one loss and no SEC title game will be #1 on the wild card list to get in it should come to that
  18. now Trump is a bear whisperer, is there anything this man cannot do?
  19. for all the outrage the Dems have professed over the McCarthy Hearings and that, i never dreamed they meant outrage because they weren't the ones to inflict it. Well, they are doing it now without a shred of evidence to back it up at least there were proven Communists working at State and other high positions of government.
  20. OJ Simpson is often in the news
  21. After 8 questions it reached the 120th pop-up that’s enough...
  22. best player to ever wear a Bills uniform
  23. I doubt this will get by our factchecking team
  24. they already stripped the propellant out of them, so the weak and old cant get half the drug in their lungs
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