we were used to EJ and Tyrod letting vital seconds dribble away as the sidelines tried to figure out the next play
don't worry guys, only 70 seconds left down 2 scores....
so what is new now?
it's been 18 straight days billing at least 9 a day on a file that is very tough to suck it up and dive in....
and the jadedness of cheering since 1973 has led me to believe what Yogi said was true about it being over
but i was still disheartened and then watched the youtube hi-lites (thanks for getting them up there that quick, whomever!!)
the plan is 17 points scored, so they are trying to muddle thing up in a chessmatch, the kind of game where a single or maybe 2 decent drives all game wins
i was pressed for time at the office and listening on the radio and thought the Hughes TD clinched it and turned off the broadcast
found out THE TRUTH a little bit later...
i'd love to bring the hammer down on him but he's got a few more years to learn this game
Kelly took Year 3 to start making the Bills epic, even after semi-pro experience in the USFL
an improvement over Tyrod who never learned to lead a WR, and wouldn't throw unless the primary was open for 2 seconds and doing jumping jacks for attention
Iowa "at home' has answered many wishes as a speedbump that turned out to be 3 feet high...
the big favourite comes in and about 3.5 hours later finds itself needing a long FG for the win and..... it's...... DOINK!!
Bama needs a lot of help....
the media and fat cats want them in the playoff and will find any excuse worthy of 10% to get them in...
but they need a lot of help
LSU has a high probability of finding some way to furball this away
it's changed the last 20 years, used to be you messed up again and you didn't get back in, especially in the NHL
now who cares, out you go to screw up again with the same mistake all the live-long game
it was 3rd and 4 with just under a minute on the clock and a time out in hand
and they wasted 20 or so seconds and stupidly threw long
this can't go on, hopefully lessons were learned for everyone involved