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Everything posted by row_33

  1. -------------- at the moment the 4 are: Baylor Clemson LSU Ohio State or Minnesota extremely pending on a lot still to come...
  2. don't forget every liberal would quote Freud to justify all their judgments that were totally without right or color
  3. Impeachment strategy roll your eyes back pretend you are rolling dice in your right hand
  4. saw a study where the first impression and a further 15 minutes of an interview was no more reliable on a final judgment of a person than the first 2 seconds of the first impression Obama looked Presidential from the first second he was nationally brought forward and that's 98% of the game...
  5. they were the better candidates over W and Trump doesn't need more than a one-second intuitive snap decision that is eternal... still can't believe W and Trump beat the 3 of them. Presidential is a matter of first introduction that never changes. The first time I saw Bill Clinton at a press conference, while governor, i thought "geez, he will be dangerous if the Dems put him up front."
  6. we might still be here at this phase until January 2025... then Pence will get the same treatment for his 2 terms as POTUS
  7. all you need is a majority of the House to impeach don't need a reason or evidence to do this (i would advise you SHOULD have both... just sayin) SO GET ON WITH THE VOTE ALREADY!!!
  8. Hollywood folk manipulating to this extent is kind of novel shows they are the bottom of the barrel in Nouveau Riche rankings....
  9. one of my top 3 episodes Batgirl as that deranged green lady deserved Emmy consideration
  10. what was the P-Funk tune based on a riff that some teenager walked in and played and left anonymously for a few $$
  11. i 100% thought they all would win over the GOP candidate i was quite happy they didn't practically impossible to unseat an eligible President with a strong economy so many are going to bow out the surprise to me was 1972 for the Dems, I thought Humphrey would have taken it, but with the new rules the Dems put in after 1968 I guess the epically all-time pointless McGovern weaseled it out. Carter got going on the new rules in 1976 very early and sealed it off before anyone knew what hit them.
  12. i have to put in my recommendation of after a massive problem in the summer....
  13. Back in the day of the 2 team final, USC and Oklahoma and Auburn went undefeated in their power conferences Auburn has no pull at all and was the odd man out The only time I felt through 50 years that a team was unfairly taken out of the title game (before the BCS a few years had undefeated teams that couldn't meet due to bowl obligations, 1997 was the last time with Michigan and Nebraska)
  14. if you go undefeated and win a big conference, or are Notre Dame, you are in the playoff, unless 5 or 6 of these types do it.... not bloody likely ever.... Baylor still has a shot and cannot be put out of the picture just because we don't think they are that good if you don't go undefeated you enter the gauntlet of $$$ and politics and history. teams with pull in all 3: Bama, Ohio State, Florida, Michigan, Notre Dame, USC, Texas, Oklahoma.... a few more can be added.... sometimes an undefeated mid-major like Boise can get the votes, but it's not happening this year at SMU was the last to crumble. TCU has no pull at all, in the backroom categories...
  15. yes you did, you HAVE to mention all potential undefeated champs of top conferences in a semi-serious discussion... it's not a matter of "wanting them in" if they win their conference going undefeated.
  16. the Big 12 is 100% getting an undefeated champ into the Playoff....
  17. The People see college as an entitlement, which is beyond moronic if you don't have: 1) a studious STEM child 2) the $$$$ to pay a good chunk of the costs already 3) a degree that will be of use when you graduated, usually point 1) but lots of non-STEMS have good careers
  18. trial? they haven't finished making up the bogus narrative they haven't even decided if this joke is worth continuing with
  19. The 1980 race "kinda" between Carter and Ted Kennedy at least had some political gravity I will forever assert Gore and Kerry and Hillary were very suitable candidates, way more so than Carter/Mondale/Dukakis her appeal wasn't carrying into enough categories to be a political winnner, they had no shot in the first place so it didn't matter McCain and Dole and Romney had zero chance to win they were decent candidates
  20. is this hoax over yet? can't they come up with another one to get us all hot and bothered for 3 days?
  21. If Wisky has to throw more than 5 times with purpose in a game, they lose
  22. you forgot Baylor, they are in with an undefeated Big 12 title you may have 4 undefeated big conference champs, they will get all 4 spots
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