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Everything posted by row_33

  1. So how many Senators are going to have to be there for the entire impeachment trial all JanuAry and February when they want to be campaigning
  2. Where will that deranged old bat show up next?
  3. I want the best game on Sunday night if possible just because the Bills aren’t ready for prime time doesn’t mean scrap the whole thing
  4. yes, go undefeated and you get to the playoffs Actually that’s the pattern for the next ten years
  5. auburn has no pull and loses out always i was fine with them going to a non title game
  6. I’ve never wanted the super the system is fine as it is It’s just college football, it’s overdone as it is
  7. no, people cannot afford the basic medical treatment and die instead
  8. he forgot to simply roll out and throw to the TE for the easy score
  9. i don't want to condemn that other person to have to grind on this nonsense for another 50 years, but I'm starting to wish it....
  10. i knew the Dems think they should be paid by the minute and the non-stop verbal trash coming out of their mouth
  11. Dems don't do anything but ruin people's attempts to make an honest go for themselves, so what's different here? Imagine having that on for a 6 hour airport delay with Tibs and friends yelling angry things about Trump....
  12. i would enjoy putting MUTE on for Collinsworth just as much if it wasn't the game of the week
  13. Maybin was a hit right to our collective package
  14. free speech is a privilege in this world, it allows bozos like that to speak nonsense and lies
  15. i'm sure any of us could round up a real case with evidence against The Donald in a week or so
  16. fair enough, i'm at that stage in life asking about the ground rules and they were changed like 9 years ago....
  17. it was a very very bad bungling of a clutch moment it's early in McD's career so he gets a few of them Andy Reid is perfect in botching this kind of winnable situation in the last 2 minutes, and he's worshipped by the media
  18. the horror..... the horror..... thanks for reminder me...
  19. doesn't every team get to torture us on TNF?
  20. all y'all need to know... http://www.billwalton.com/news/437-pac-12
  21. still better than John L Smith's results. sorry, John LLLLLLL Smith
  22. a reasonable play on 3rd and 4 would have been fine after piddling away 25 seconds off the clock....
  23. PI stays the spot of the foul for the pros the 15 yards in college is fair because only 1 in 4 college kids could complete an intended pass more than 15 yards down the field
  24. Thanks to the fans responding to my Packers question, great answers, missed out on this team by a few years, was there for the Kelly years thankfully! I was reminded here how close the Bills came to playing in the first one...
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