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Everything posted by row_33

  1. glad someone does this for me i'm getting totally stressed out on 5 large waves hitting my surfboard these days, it's all good though
  2. no, a thousand times no on a WR as the first pick.....
  3. i don't get how someone can't admire them at all for one we had a chat that went like: compared to Led Zeppelin... LZ all instrumentalists are a 10 out of 10 for their craft in the genre, and the production quality is incredible for any time in recording history and they rock yeah but, RIngo and George may be 2's, and John's not worth mentioning and Paul is at best a 5, BUT..... the rhythm section works so well plodding along and their crafting of a song, and discussion of timeless subjects that speak to me (LZ and Cream topics and lyrics are mostly pointless to me) makes The Beatles so much more valuable than the sum of their parts. and we will all share the deepest irony when Ringo is the last one living???
  4. I can’t argue what you happen to like, but compare it to the thought and craft and inspiration put into almost every song on Revolver they gave us so much to enjoy, in such a short time span And the toll it takes is huge one exiled himself to a remote Scottish farm and the other exiled himself to an incomprehensible (to thise that cared about him) marriage, but that was a part of the era as well do you have friends who are rock fans that despise them, or don’t find their best work of any consequence?
  5. drugged-out self-inulgence but at least in the name of modern art, it fits right in with almost every painting and classical music composition for the last half of the 20th century sadly..... to me the worst was I Want You (She’s So Heavy) which was total filler and probably inspired Spinal Tap’s Jazz Odyssey for the Puppet Show Festival and many have marvelled that the lead guitarist, who was best friends with Clapton and was associated and well aware of Jimmy Page and Hendrix and Alvin Lee and the whole UK music scene.... did not care one bit to improve his guitar skills at all, speaks volumes
  6. Sadly it was very representative of what was passing for “classical music” composing at the time, easily the most listened to work of that genre.... And with last years remastering you can identify the changes from prior versions
  7. What better represents the late 1960s madness than having that track on there?
  8. Paul insisted his granny-song get on there. The others despised it and estimated it took multiples of the studio time that it actually did.
  9. sitting here online for a 3 hour Masters course droning on for the other screen.... this made my night, MANY THANKS!!!!
  10. Never came into contact with one who possessed that cover one friend claimed he had one that had the acceptable cover glued onto the butcher, but he wouldn't try to peel it back at least the record company geniuses recognized Two Virgins wasn't going to fly, even a few years later and the craziness that abounded, a few weeks after the White Album release.....
  11. 1) the horror of such a view..... like Exile on Main St a masterpiece, but both have their critics... 2) nope 3) very good!!! how on earth was that obtained??? who on earth allowed that to be released to record stores in the US? I'm sure in June 1966 this was a potential huge strike on the band for that sad tour, John's Jesus comments helped push it out of the way?
  12. "Incredibly, Michaels has been traded by ESPN once before as the network traded the legendary broadcaster to NBC for a cartoon called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. No, we aren’t making that up." i missed it, but has Peyton shown he has what it takes to call games? Joe Montana bombed horribly. and many others.......
  13. hardly a solo work album for the White Album, great little jams were given for Glass Onion Happiness IAWG I'm So Tired (the sweetest of them) Almost all of side 3 (Ringo absent the first two tracks takes away from those particular songs, Paul's drumming is shiiiiite compared to Ringo's sound) White Album attacks are so frickin lazy and pointless.... Paul’s comment to those who say it would have been better as a single album or other whining: “***** off, it’s the Beatles’ White Album.” or take it this way, how many songs on prior albums were 50/50 collaborations? what songs are you perplexed as to who wrote the bulk of them?? read John's interview with Rolling Stone if you can't tell who wrote almost every song, I think he's a bit mistaken a few times, especially on some of his bitter outbursts
  14. you have an opinion on the Dallas Stars that gets you kind of emotional? oh, i see the address, carry on...
  15. every illness is contagious before it explodes including all flus and pneumonias, which kill 120,000 total each year, to little panic or attention
  16. the SiriusXM channel is much enjoyed with the randomness and the talent that once was there
  17. when i see a mug shot or news story and it's a guy as pasty white as me, of course i say GUILTY.
  18. doubt someone with a 103 degree fever and severe pneumonia-like lungs filling are pumping iron
  19. some far wiser than me have declared the only time they were "cool" was Side 3 of the White Album
  20. don't go there, i beg of you.....
  21. you are kidding
  22. we had our Canadian version with Brian Linehan saw him about a month before he died, at Union station in a floor-length white mink coat with interesting shades said hello, big fan (didn't know he was that badly off healthwise at that time)
  23. this nonsense even away from ppp..... ?
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