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Everything posted by row_33

  1. welcome aboard, you can go back a little before Foxtrot as well...
  2. from certain files of the past they would have a tidy sum set aside for awhile nobody keeps the $100s of millions that was laundered through their foundation
  3. all of that lifestyle would try to think of a clever and more-hip-than-you answer for 15 seconds when asked the day of the week and probably lie during the answer
  4. i'd hate to suffer as a WB when i didn't have any evidence to begin with kind of like being outed and getting bashed into a pulp when you weren't in in the first place
  5. congratulations America! although your Constitution was explicitly designed to prevent a UK/Canada-style Parliamentary vote of non-confidence (just because it's the other party in charge) you are marching gleefully into this kind of a government
  6. Bears have a savior at QB? not likely ever not blessed with a QB, other areas they have been blessed
  7. during the offseason before the second season of a QB the opponents take a 100% microscope review of his first year work they can't put the resources into it during the season, so rookies and other surprises erupt for a season leads to "sophomore slumps"
  8. Bears have had 2 garbage fluke seasons since 2000, with Jauron and last season, totally undeserved and totally exposed the next season. maybe due to it being the weakest division in football for a long time now?
  9. apparently there was a precious little system on how things had always been done a pity that Trump doesn't give 2 ***** about "the way we've always done things" especially when inertia was damaging to the US they are upset they didn't get to make decisions any more... boo frickin hoooooooooo...
  10. Juice had the fullback weight and more speed than a quick running back. the only one.... hey you go kids, he hit top speed by his second step
  11. i'm sure Mr. Trump's tax returns were in continual discussion with the IRS, as is typical for people of his financial composure and tax situation complexity remember when he was running and DTS-folk demanded to know if he ever had to face lawyers during his career??
  12. so the witness was sippin' on gin and juice during the call
  13. liberals aren't ambitious enough to do anything when they get power, they save it all up for bitching and pissing and moaning 24/7 when out of power
  14. yahoo sends out news updates? but nobody pays attention or cares what CNN says it's a lower mental retention that all the crap teachers told you during your school years
  15. SOuth Dakota State is the home of the Jackrabbits
  16. airport, jails, morgues, gyms i wonder if CNN pays to enact 90% of the totally needless 6-hour airport delays so more people can watch involuntarily?
  17. soon your automatic car will have a points total for the social credit of the passengers a'riding so that when a split second decision must be made the auto car will kill those with the lower score
  18. conservatives want to make $$ so they'll find the audience out there and are way more humorous and researching and brilliant than liberals you can't stop the truth getting to people
  19. most of us will be dead by then, i'm sure the conservative media will turn it up and dominate by then and be way more creative and ruthless than today's liberal media
  20. Jools Holland's best session one-take recording for the outro the last 3 1/2 minutes, yeah it was good enough to change plans and keep it on the recording... on the best album of the 1980s, easily....
  21. the only person whose jokes on TV fall flatter than Hillary's... don't they have ANYONE in their retinue of toadies to tell them they absolutely suck at telling stories and trying to be funny?
  22. Bills must have come in under for 18 of the last 21 seasons
  23. I can see Hillary 2032 running on the peasant-love vote you mean that 98% of the land surface of the US that has more than 100,000 people within a few square miles will have full-service bus or subway or commuter train access to grocery stores and work?
  24. i wish i was cynical enough to have predicted he'd turn this into a total fiasco
  25. this is all they've got they have nobody to run for President in 2020 they could save all the $$$ and spend it on legit social welfare programs for once
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