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Everything posted by row_33

  1. he can't read, think or hear(ing) either "I have acute hearing: not interested in your jewelry clotheyes...."
  2. you can stop babysitting this person's mind whenever you wish
  3. okay, so everyone make up what they think happened and how they'd rule on it... then we can look at the actual evidence, or total paucity of it, and agree there was nothing to rule on and crummy sucky things happen all the time in this world, lots of times people are let go when they did something, because of a lack of real evidence, or error, or sabotage by prosecution
  4. fart was so toxic is almost caused brain damage in the press gallery how we could tell is another question for another time
  5. you got one that nobody can find flawed? can you get me one for baseball WAR???
  6. it's not really the fanbase or soul of Jim Brown and Otto Graham, that went to another city....
  7. 1,000,000 years ago the way things are headed....
  8. did a POTUS call another government with a request? and if he did who cares?
  9. unlettered enough to put this and BEW and JS from this album as their best versions for me....
  10. scary how some people insist on thinking they are like Einstein for trying to see anything other than a scuffle (doesn't matter if the QB started it) and someone losing his cool and going ultra-violent in the heat of the moment can't do this ***** on the field, you kids at home pay attention
  11. wish they would get a life or open their mind to the sunbeams of truth that keep pounding at their skulls both would be ideal
  12. everything that a person does with the GOP or R in their byline is illegal and satanic
  13. he captures the whole package in tone and emotions and subject matter in this shuffling c&w styled hit, geez...... time to give this a two dozen loop playback...
  14. on occasion i give a listen to a few of his greatest hits from the early days, and am floored at how he had one of the greatest voices and deliveries in pop music history....
  15. that's okay, liberals swallow anything a Dem leader does without even using 1% of their intuition or brain or heart. it's called ADVANCING THE INTERESTS OF THE PARTY AT ALL COSTS when liberals put their talents into useful things we get amazing gains in society, they have been on hold for a long time now unfortunately....
  16. that wasn't remotely funny when it was supposed to be....
  17. don't let facts and reality enter into a conversation sometimes fans like a sugar plum fairy acid trip discussion....
  18. it gets tiresome after 20 years of this....
  19. my extreme dream fantasies involve things a bit more personal and private and i always wake up before things start developing...
  20. management made a notice to entire for possible landline damage due to construction i let them know i haven't had one for 12 years now.
  21. things were very downhill for meeting the demands of male teen aggression and rebellion WAY before videos started. Elvis was forced into the Army to curb his influence, then his top songwriting team ditched him for lack of pay with "Good Luck Charm" being their last handover to him, it nosedived without them. then he made bad movies and got fat when you aren't a creative element of song or lyric (or both sometimes!!!!) it limits y'all
  22. just to the bullpen
  23. can Hollywood come up with something beyond a comic book or a complete re-hash of a past hit?
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