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Everything posted by row_33

  1. they may be wannabee fake Canadians, if you can imagine.... i don't have problems with most of your Presidents (outside of Carter) except for absence of ethics as a whole in one of them and sorry, what is this cat meme thing?
  2. always thought majority in the House and Senate gets the extra seat on Committees.
  3. has anyone with a government job, testifying, looked like they had a 3 digit IQ since Ollie North?
  4. poor Denver fans over the QBs they've had the last 20 years
  5. i assume half the people "responding" are mults of Tibs pretending to be a conservative
  6. so "all the Bills have to do" is get 3 wins? always a harbinger when i'm reading "all the Bills have to do"...
  7. ignored into oblivion or get us an ignored function that keeps his filth off my computer screen while people (goodness knows why) bother to answer....
  8. cratered the day WFB stopped contributing there was never any point to NR beyond WFB's contributions
  9. can Tibs post something that isn't vulgar or filled with lies?
  10. nobody defended it at the time those who did claimed Woodson hit Brady in the helmet intentionally so it should have been roughing the passer, but the video doesnt' show that and then the crickets took over and here we are
  11. can't be toooooo careful for someone going postal and totally juvenile out there swinging a helmet
  12. we'll see what good the obvious does i watch the NHL and every game i hear them say "it's the retaliation that gets the two minutes, you have to learn to dish it out later" in the NFL there is always another day for payback on a twerp....
  13. totally flipping never has an excuse to make it go away should be fun at Pittsburgh hope the crowd is respectful and classy for the Browns
  14. a client okay if that's your doctor or dentist or lawyer or accountant, fire him immediately
  15. when i cancelled my landline they still hit my credit card for 3 more months, had to call them 4 times to get this to stop and issue me a full credit disgusting
  16. gotta hand it to Sonderland, he should be sweating like near-death Elvis for getting totally roasted the last 15 minutes for his fables and lies he is contorting well enough when he has to go off Schiff's teleprompter and script
  17. i make a living destroying allegedly perfect schedules under their (sometimes stated) assumptions sports analytics can be fun to discuss (when there is respect) and learn something as well for enjoyment in future watching and thinking about the game. i see Penn State ahead of Minnesota, i thought i watched Minnesota handily beat them....
  18. don't be a poster boy for demonstrating the integrity of The Shield
  19. in brute force for sure in entertainment impact, with DAYS ON END to discuss Garrett ENDLESSLY, not at all Garrett was in the wrong place and it musta been the wrong time, good riddance young man
  20. Dallas can look like any slot on the spectrum from trash to gods on any given series this season somehow i have never developed hate or like for America's Team over 50 years, leads to a lot of amusement by watching the reactions of others
  21. nowhere man, can't y'all see me at all, dude? Sonderland pinned with covering up an exculpatory fact, should be bounced right now.
  22. i was in a packed to capacity NYC sports bar and whathizzname... oh yeah.... Armando Benitez was throwing and it seemed like 1,000 people shouted out at the same time: SIT THE ****** DOWN!!!!!! a treasured moment of my life....
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