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Everything posted by row_33

  1. even if it doesn't make sense it's better than Russia or Ukraine that's too much of a touchy place to make up fables to try to hammer Trump once again
  2. one great moment early on was the WH doctor giving him a clean bill of health, Obama's doc as well, so they went on about if Trump had dentures or other dental surgeries and then on to other important questions...
  3. had a curse put on me during one file, i asked a friend with know-how and he said he'd be more fearful of an attack with a knife or something like that than a curse.
  4. 75 days until the moon lands in my back yard?
  5. (nods slowly in royal permission)
  6. they better perform sacrifices and dances and hope Trump can't physically make it to the 2020 election
  7. used to go fishing in Northern Ontario, did a lot of camping in Provincial Parks a few summers, didn't realize how foolish it was to try to catch muskies or sturgeon in a canoe by myself.
  8. when they were told about their silliness over the Bee, i bet all the Snopes people kind of froze with no expression for 10 seconds, then went on their merry way as usual
  9. slightly more fun than the German generals getting their orders from Hitler after it was CLEARLY OVER......
  10. but his filth is put on the screen by people responding to it
  11. beat the Pats then lose to the Jets to throw it all away?
  12. Bruce would be the other to consider, but c'mon.... Juice is #1. OJ singlehandedly powered this team for years, got them to the playoffs once
  13. and the sound that came out of the RIch Stadium crowd when he broke it open, even though the rest of the time it was sad
  14. sorry, the Tom years were better than MM's....
  15. last time i was all hopped up was when Domi and Probert were hyped to have 6 battles on the ice, they didn't even bump into each other all night
  16. Lane Pryce: sigh.... are we done with the flogging? Roger Sterling: it's never as good as you think it's gonna be....
  17. oh yes, i enjoyed watching this a few times not too many merit 15 minutes of hi-lights from their careers like this
  18. India was the kind of surprising country that sided with the USSR against the US, not Canada
  19. hope the game is on my TV
  20. Morgantown has made some strong claims
  21. ask me a question, test my Canadian-ness 1) every been to sea, ever caught a fish? 2) does this clip cause tears to form from the memories of past days? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iu3nvMd7iK0 3) who was the play by play man on HNIC for Leafs games for the 80s and 90s? What province did he hail from? 4) How many times did you watch Knowlton Nash or Elwy Yost or Brian Linehan or Morton Shulman on TV? 5) Can you sign the first two verses of "I'se the B'y"
  22. everything leading up to the helmet swing isn't going to be punished by the league, putting the boot in got more than i thought it would, well, they just wanted to make sure Pouncey wasn't playing in the Browns game upcoming...
  23. has to be a big improvement since week one? now that they are probably going to get a WC spot....
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