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Everything posted by row_33

  1. we had SAMS'S in Toronto with everything from the UK or Detroit that nobody in my cowtown had heard of before
  2. you are the chosen one to talk fishing with Bob you have the cover story
  3. Enberg with his phony Barrrrrrr-thaaaaaaa-loooooooooo-nahhhhhhhhhhhhh every 10 seconds during the Olympics.
  4. has your avatar found tibs and gary down there yet?
  5. some US networks pompously insist on "native pronouncing" for sports name and cities when Gullit played for AC Milan his name was pronounced differently for the 5 languages announcing games i watched the most frequently watched was in Italian, but that's not his native format, what would Costas and Enberg do now?
  6. he's come undone he climbed a mountain that was far too high and when he found out he couldn't fly it was too late he's come undone
  7. .......... i see they fired the coach, haven't had much interest in regular season games for awhile...
  8. oh yeah, but who else sat through those sad roasts like he did? if you approach with an insult, look out...
  9. still not a big fan of their albums until TQID, to me more of a 12" single and EP band, back when it was a cool thing to import the Rough Trade label output , instead of the North American Sire don't you miss the withering stares and comments from the d-bags behind the counter at these stores?
  10. the reason i could possibly care to tune in being...
  11. waddle to the table for Christmas... good to see the same bill of fare in both countries!!
  12. Canada's is an early Monday in October get the balance right
  13. the blue states were GOP for the longest time, blue being the conservative colour, the border on National Review and then they switched it to the GOP being red, probably during the Reagan/Papa Bush years when nobody really cared to study the landslide electoral map
  14. did it last for like 2-5 seconds or was it a popcorn one
  15. your Thanksgiving is too close to Christmas.....
  16. i expect celebs to react to the same degree as they are treated when talked to my 12 or so strolls over to tell them that their work meant a lot to me, and best wishes, has never been rudely met, a few even had a brief chat with me
  17. losing one is a tragedy, lost the other two months later and i started to think i was getting careless they had a great long life, and taught me a lot of great things....
  18. do you think he has seen the Chappelle routine? did he do so in a room full of toadies who all were as disgusted as he was about it?
  19. anything planned to ask Chevy?
  20. my grandmas died in 2005, i miss them a lot
  21. fantastic, hope you have a great time!
  22. i would guess the starting lineup derived from some more stereotyped areas
  23. looks like it will rain this afternoon, it was cold last week with a touch of snow on the ground for a few days, but hopefully no more collecting snow for another month
  24. Strobe was the absolute pissiest distaining lefty on the talk shows in the 1980s.
  25. howz that worked out for the city?
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