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Posts posted by row_33

  1. Reagan put his plan into place stating it would cause an even worse fall into a massive recession (carter started it) and it was brutal.


    And he won easily in re-election, against a media that was as hostile to him as they are to Trump. And people actually watched the news or bought a newpaper back then.

  2. Means that getting all hyped up over Duke getting a 4 or 5 seed in the ACC is a joke. They are in anyways, probably playing close to home the first weekend of the madness.


    Old enough to remember when the only team in the NCAA tourney were the winners of the conference championship games. The ACC had to leave 2 teams in the top 5 nationally at home every year.


    Midmajors had more sway than the top conferences, lots of them beat nobody to get well into the later rounds and a few finals.

  3. Doesn't get any more phucked up than that, imo.


    Back in the day when we were ofer the 70s vs. Miami, Tom Dempsey lined up to kick the game winner with seconds left and the guy sitting behind us threatened to punch Dempsey if he missed. Which, of course, he did. We were siting 10 rows up behind the bench at the time and the last we saw of the guy, he had sprinted down the aisle and hopped over the retaining wall to make good on his promise.


    In Colombia, Pablo Escobar had a player killed for scoring an own goal in a match. Another time a goalie was murdered for a poor performance.


    Thank God Escobar wasn't a Bills fan.


    Agreed on effed up there.


    Dempsey was the kicker for my first years watching, his features were cool but kinda creepy for a kid.

  4. Did I miss the big report with the specific details that (was it...) 9 intelligence agencies were going to deliver by now? Seemed like the headlines boasted it was coming forth for about 21 straight days.


    So basically illegal (totally illegal) wiretaps are all they have for some petty nonsense and casual discussions?

  5. When are the DNC and intelligence services going to learn that you can't protect with a blackberry or commodore 64 and minimal firewall/security protection?

    When are the DNC and intelligence services going to learn that you can't protect with a blackberry or commodore 64 and minimal firewall/security protection?



    The House Select Committee on Benghazi alone cost $6.8 million of taxpayers money. And that was just one of 10 congressional committees investigating Benghazi. So yeah, there's a precedent for witch hunts on one issue.


    Don't you need a witch to form a witch hunt?


    Who would be a good witch?

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