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Posts posted by row_33

  1. The point of this thread is wrong. It's not about the "fastest" way, it's about finding the franchise QB.


    You draft either Mahomes or Watson at #10, then draft the best receiving threat in the second round (TE or WR), then draft a DB in the third (Whaley has a knack for finding them in the later rounds).


    Sit the rookie QB for the full season and let him develop. After the year, if the rookie QB isn't providing a sense of security that he'll be the answer then you try again and draft another QB in the 1st round in 2018.


    Glimore's gone, Watkins is always hurt, Dareus has issues...this team needs to stop fiddling around the edges and treating 1st round picks like they're golden. Who cares that they tried with Manuel, try again and keep trying. After they find the franchise QB, then they can talk about drafting elite players in the first round to complement him, start making the playoffs and becoming a superbowl contender again.




    That elite may never come back to Buffalo. have to build a good team that can win without a hall of famer?


    Was Joe Ferguson an elite?

  2. I don't know why people are saying that these moves are " un-patriots like ".....Every single off season, Belichick picks up a few FAs....the only difference this year is the fact that they had way more $ to spend....


    Go look at the last 5-6 years and you'll see that it's just part of what they do every year....


    All we are left with is any harbinger that she is falling apart...


    I agree that Flynn is a chump, and it just exemplifies how bad a decision Trump made in selecting him as NSA. And if not for the public disclosure of his lying to Pence which embarrassed Trump into firing him, Flynn would still be the compromised NSA.


    When nobody from your party supports you, they all want to continue collecting a Gravy Train cheque doing nothing, then you are kinda limited in your choice for immediate heavy appointments.


    Do Americans feel that the rest of the world sees them as leaders with integrity and uncompromised intelligence services? Honestly??

  4. They all sucked. I really never liked the big venues. Sound is awful as the wind blows is around. Anyway Yes 1977 was a perfect example. Donovan opened. Donovan?? Seriously? Then J. Geils. Don't remember much about their set. Bob Seger actually stole the show. We heard Alto Reed's sax wailing but couldn't see him on stage. We saw people pointing up and he was on top of the speaker stacks. :worthy: Then came Yes. My favorite band at the time. Well I think their music went over many people's heads and if i remember correctly they cut their set short after a frisbee hit Chris Squire's bass. Yes outdoors in the daylight just doesn't cut it.


    I'll take Spyro Gyra in a small Jazz club like I saw last night any time.


    What was Donovan rocking that day?


    Most teams change management when they fail after 3 years. Bills seem to have continuity even when they fire coaches. So I expect this draft to go down the way last years did. A head coach empowered over a weak GM, throwing away picks, and patching holes.


    There is no vision at One Bills Drive. We see a team chasing its own tail over and over.


    It's very hard to go almost 20 years without the playoffs when you haven't totally given up the ghost and earned a top 3 pick.


    6-8 wins with consistency is hard to achieve.



  6. He'll be the laziest player in the nfl this year. Just wants a little more money before calling it quits.


    I watch games on TV so I honestly don't have a clue what the DBs are doing about .02 seconds after the ball is snapped, unless the play goes to them.


    I have no way of telling what is a great play out there, especially if the ball doesn't go there and we never know about it.


    Not sure how everyone else has this magical ability to rate every DB unless they are at the game or going a heck of a lot out of their way to watch it, or are using Madden ratings.



    There's always exceptions of course, but as a general statement, players today are much better then 15-20-25 years ago.....


    I don't buy that hockey has kept the offensive skill and mindset that used to be taken for granted.


    I miss the big man dominance that was a main part of college and pro hoops.


    I would enjoy watching today's golfers use the same equipment that Bobby Jones had to get around with.

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