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Posts posted by row_33


    The health risks aren't a secret. They players have access to the information...and they choose the money.


    A major problem is team doctors telling them they are 100% okay to go back out there when they clearly aren't recovered from a concussion. refusing to stand by the obviously shaken player.


    The Heels shot an uncharacteristically low % or the game wouldn't have been close, and Arkansas hit at least two or three end of the shot clock "prayer" threes as well. The better team won.


    You aren't serious that UNC is ENTITLED to the benefit of the FG% it got against the regular season, are you?


    Are you 12 years old?


    Over 4 decades I've watched way greater UNC teams crap the bed in the early rounds or come close to losing it all carelessly.

  3. I'd take the PAC 12 as the best with no disrespect intended to the ACC.


    Gonzaga... oooh they beat Dayton since Christmas, crown them!!!!


    Always the best to watch a totally overhyped Adam Morrison-joke conference team collapse against the first top 40 team they have to play in the big dance, left crying on the floor at midcourt as they deserve.


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