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Posts posted by row_33

  1. Not at all understandable. There is no question that Sammy is a premier NFL talent. He has actually produced. He's a starter on any team in the league. His first two seasons blow away the combined impact of Maybin, Flowers, and McCargo.


    Sorta being sarcastic in my prior reply, in good nature stating I could understand...


    He's peeing away a ton of potential even as I type this, hope he can turn it around immediately.


    What's your point?


    The most underachieving school in US history based on the talent pool they accumulated since 1965.


    The Four Corners cost them plenty, also cost fans plenty watching Michael Jordan and Phil Ford (and many other less talented) get handcuffed into bounce-it-three-times-and-pass peach basket era hoops.


    And it wasn't a criminal-level organization like UNLV, but it was about as crooked and finally exposed recently after the NCAA ran away from even pretending to care about enforcing the rules for half a century.\


    That's all...


    I just don't like fans of any team bitching about calls. Yes, I'm a Carolina grad and fan, but I hate it when Carolina fans B word about calls as well. Schitt happens to everybody. You either make the plays to win or you don't.


    Two of Carolina's titles were handed over on a silver platter due to two of the top 5 brain farts in the clutch in sports history.

  4. Yes! I love a good art museum. And they are all over. I was in Springfield Mass last summer and their collection was mind blowing. Cleveland has a great art museum and in it there is Renaissance weapons and armor collection next to the great works of art.


    The main museum for Salvador Dali was in St Pete's Florida when I was there for march breaks, always made a good afternoon visit. His patron was a Cleveland industrialist who snowbirded down there. I'm not sure if it's still as big as it used to be and if Spain has started reclaiming him over the last 20 years...

    If we were including the Civil War, I would highly recommend this.


    The Civil War: A Narrative

    By Shelby Foote



    Good read, he gives almost a 1/3 of it to the Louisiana, Texas, Missouri theaters (and thereabouts) which is not remotely for beginners to jump into.


    The character studies are among the best for layreaders.

  5. I dont know if we can even use likely yet. Theres is nothing even remotely conclusive as to cause/effect of head trauma to ALS. We dont even have a specific test for ALS. Its sad that there has been such little progress with respect to ALS over the last 100yrs.


    They sure stated with near 100% certainty that Gehrig got it from football injuries when someone was trying to sell their book... typical fake news...

  6. Pickett's Charge is holy land! So many great historical places to visit and the numbers are growing. Every city has a great museum it seems.


    Also the US has so many pockets of Impressionist and 20th century art, have come across small collections of Braques and Picasso and other greats without fanfare in remote areas.

  7. As a big ska fan in high school, my first thought was Tom Kalnoky from Catch-22, Streetlight Manifesto, and Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution. Great singer/songwriter.


    John Butler from the John Butler Trio. Dude is a hell of a guitar player and singer/songwriter and it seems like not many people in the U.S. know who he is.



    Good to see ska continues, it came roaring back for my high school years in the early 1980s.

  8. No doubt, they quit like an AAU team. I was there, and it was fun to see! :) Hamilton should be called the Head Recruiter, because he does that well. But he's not much of a coach.


    Did you realize in the last 10 years only Kansas, UNC, Wisconsin and Mich St have more Sweet 16's than the 6 that little old Xavier has? That's pretty elite company (and even Wisc might surprise some).


    Xavier is in the top 5 in the back of my mind for going further than I think they should over the last 40 years.


    It's good to have a decent squad that the NCAA grand poobahs refuse to believe can ball.

  9. Cemetery Hill where Weidrich's Battery fought on day two. Germans from Buffalo who fought for the Union and had the Confederates get into their guns only to be fought off. I have not been there since 2003 and its time I went back!


    Even as a Canadian I had periods of standing there in awe for minutes at a time trying to cram that many into the dimensions of the battlefield, and the ghosts of Picketts Charge.


    Vets tell me the only thing that surpassed going here is the fields memorials of France for WW1 and 2....


    As well, visit Arlington for more tangible history, and there's good parking (except on obvious days when there won't be) and take the Metro down to DC for more visits. I do this every 4 or so years, starting with Gettysburg.

  10. I'm looking to study US history, primarily but not exclusively the run up to the civil war. I want to get some older textbooks that pre-date PC culture, as well as other resources. What do you recommend?


    The best tangible history source (stretch your timeline a tad) is to spend decent time reading up on and then go to Gettsyburg National Battlefield, take the 2-3 hour personal guided tour, marvel at the real dimensions of the featured peach orchard, that "hill" that one man rallied troops to defend against a major Rebel charge, the concept of fitting everyone in there along with all the horses... the monuments of the Southern states with as much accepted belligerency as they could carve in stone.

  11. People on this thread need to appreciate that JP Losman had a far better Bills career than EJ Manuel and was a much better player.


    JP had elite arm talent and impressive acceleration on scrambles. He threw for over 3,000 yards in an NFL season and authored an impressive comeback in Houston.


    No doubt JP sucked due to intermediate accuracy issues and turnovers, but at #22 overall, he was a much better pick than EJ at #16.


    I put EJ and JP in the same basket, a lot of horror show and a bit of goodness out there to cling to.

  12. I have a friend who did that. He decided watching football was hypocritical if he wasn't going to allow his sons to play.


    ALS is the worst disease ever; very sad for Clark.


    Niners prized rookie packed it in. With the restrictions on rookie contracts it isn't worth it if you feel at risk.


    Yup, there's a hypocrisy out there, I watch and attend boxing title fights, I won't watch MMA/UFC or that stuff, I won't watch women try to destroy each other. I watch tons of college and pro football each weekend and on weeknights and will continue to do so.

  13. I disagree. Mobile guys allow the OL to attack more because the DL is so often playing contain and fearing that a mobile QB will run. Not to mention any time there's a complete whiff, a mobile guy has a chance of escaping, whereas the pocket passer is gonna get creamed.


    The o-line likes to stay where it is, i'm sure Brady's o-line is farting rainbows of joy from not having to risk themselves running down the field 80% of the time it isn't short yardage (and even then)


    With a Tyrod you have no clue what he is going to do, he just runs for his life if his primary receiver isn't WIDE OPEN TOTALLY for a second, he cannot pass the WR into the ball (as of yet)


    A "mobile" QB is a Randall Cunningham or Flutie or Tarkenton or Vick, one who is PRIMED to run an option game. TT is just clueless out there and waiting to be made a basketcase one of these days.


    The difference is is that calls that happen earlier in the game, there is still time to make it up, at the end of a close game they have a much greater impact on the outcome. Even the announcers were ragging on the calls at the end. Two pretty obvious calls that were wrong that were in favor of UNC put the game out of reach for Arkansas, hence they were screwed. I don't see how that is even debatable to be honest, you must be UNC fan


    The wise men in my life tell me only watch the last 10 minutes unless you have:


    1) sweet action on the game


    2) are a fan of a team or you are angrily cheering for the team playing against Duke in this game


    3) you have a pass to sit there on the couch watching sports for 16 hours on this day off


    4) you are with other humans dedicated to watching 16 hours of sports today, getting toasted or blitzed or mellow as appropriate


    It's almost impossible to blow out a team at this stage of the game (exception being Magic's Spartans murdering the fluky Penn Quakers in the semi-final), so fast forward to the final ten minutes, a blowout at that point isn't worth watching and the last 10 are all that matters if she is close



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