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Posts posted by row_33

  1. Senator Tim Kaine will filibuster Justice Gorsuch



    So, I guess this becomes more relevant ..............from 10/28/16


    "Kaine: Dems will use 'nuclear option' if GOP blocks court nominee" http://bit.ly/2nZDM5p



    Nice move Timmy................ :rolleyes:












    NO Buzzfeed.


    No #SCOTUS nominee has ever been defeated by partisan filibuster.


    A Republican victory in "showdown" would PRESERVE, not change, that tradition.


    The process of advice and consent works very well to cause a scotching due to "are you kidding" or potential conflict or impeachment problems.

  2. i recall that, too. and ive been against it the whole way


    i hope we are finally seeing the rotting fruits of that effort and find the courage to do something about it. i am not confident


    It's the prize of being the dominant party. It's only a national scandal when the GOP exploits it. (BIG SURPRISE THERE!!!!)


    One seat in the House in NC back in the Dem's day was an interstate highway heading north to south and 1/3 of a mile one either side of it, just to exploit the demographics. a nice finger to ensure a seat in the House.



    Because.......................as the link states....................Senator Nelson previously did not "knee-jerk" block the vote.




    That was then, this is now.


    I would be shocked if ANY of the Dems voted for this appointment. I believe 1/3 of them are on board but won't do what they know is correct.


    Same old, same old.

    Dude...that is the whole point of this forum....look at the threads that exist and thrive....sooner or later it all gets back to libs suck and the gop can't be held accountable for anything....


    Come for the laughs...stay for the horror!


    Not at all!!! There are pockets of good thinking people who like a discussion. Those on the Left who have actually read a book are the best people in my life to trade thoughts with.

  4. Very cool - the quality of that is amazing


    I always wondered what the game looked like prior to the modern rule changes in the early 1900s when people were actually getting killed playing the game


    The flying wedge of Princeton, a mankiller, must have been something to see.


    Do we have footage of Jim Thorpe leg-whip tackling a runner after chasing him down for 30 yards?

  5. like Adam Sandler. Youre white


    Like Tyler Perry you're black


    Like that guy who had the failed late night show on TBS who isn't really hsiapnic and real name is Ned, you're Mexican.


    Like Chris tucker, you're Asian.


    Its simple


    Not bad.


    But I assume the people asking for the stats already have the answer made up before they begin, then start moving things around to achieve it when the data doesn't back them up.


    One night on CNN a man of Latin America heritage was called white when he was bad (according to CNN) and the next story was about a good man of Latin American heritage so he was brown (which is mixed with black when suitable)

  6. I would watch any tv show that featured Leodis fwiw.


    Leave my guy alone.

    You missed out. Nothing better than a drunk girl telling you she feels guilty that she has a boyfriend halfway through coitus.


    Cool story lady. Now zip it for 2 mins please.



    grateful i didn't play those games with people, i had it too easy i guess.

    How sad.


    When I see the first line is something started in a man's hotel room after time at the bar, it starts going downhill from there.


    I'm very content I missed out on those hassles.

  7. so, it was someone elses fault hillary didn't win?


    i thought we were over that? when will we accept that she was a terrible choice. she stole and had help doing so the position from bernie sanders. her policy and all of that was that of whatever she thought garnered votes. i could only imagine how terrible it would be if she was president today. i could give a **** about foreign affairs. i care about what she'd do to this country making LBGTRIF3.146BGHRR more important, blaming "rich" and being the hypocritical !@#$ that she was.


    I don't like to get into huge battles over this stuff on here, and I joined in the BBMB sign-up, gratefully missing all the fun up to that day...


    The US should expect its President to act in the best direct interests of the country and its citizens in other nations and its allies. It's kind of the biggest issue on how the US reacts to anything that happens on the planet. I expect that The Donald will be less interventionist than Hillary might have been, that's all.


    No doubt, she was the biggest hawk in the crowd. She has much bigger balls than her husband. But I think she would have leaned well left on a lot of domestic stuff to placate the retards. And sadly, SC justice picks seem pretty binary these days. Very few moderates whose vote can't be predicated anymore. Her election would have dramatically tilted the court for decades. Trump's win allows the balance to be maintained.


    She and AlGore couldn't channel the charm and speech-making abilities and general likeableness of the men they were trying to glide into the office after.


    I'm in Canada and our Senate is a total joke and our SC doesn't re-write the law for us at its change of emotions.


    Your SC has been rabidly political since it was founded... not saying that's a bad thing..

  8. Why does everybody think Shillary would move farther left. Socially sure, but big freaking deal. Obama was the farthest left next to Bernie. Shill would have centered just like her husband: Best "Republican" POTUS we ever had next to Lincoln (who wouldn't be a pube today).


    I guess we will never know about Shill Lite because we have Shill Pro in there now.


    Her track record was right of centre on foreign policy and other matters.


    There really wasn't much of a platform for her to talk about, from what i saw.


    Problem was nobody in the media or her party was allowed to say anything truthful about the leaving admin, hard to run with that.

  9. Dan Marino's last full season, he was the 18th rated QB in the league. Elway threw for 2,800 yards and 22 TD's in 13 games in his last season. His RB Terell Davis had over 2000 yards that season. Vinny Testaverde was drafted in '87 and had his best year in '98 at the age of 34. He threw 21 TD's and 25 ints in 2000, wasn't any better the following years, and actually he was flat out bad. Mark Brunell was never in the upper echelon of passers. His scrambling ability made him what he was. He last good year was in '05 at the age of 34. Brett Favre was on a huge decline in his mid 30's and was able to have one great season, on a great team at 38, then was garbage after that.


    Brady and Brees are still the best at 40 and playing like they are 25. You are clueless.


    Medical advancement has easily extended careers for injuries that were permanent or debilitating,


    Does Vinny T get into the HOF? His numbers have to be up there...

  10. When the Bills are down 15 and the QB is slowly working down the field against a prevent D, letting 20 seconds leak away again, and the Bills get a TD and convert with 8 seconds left... many fans think that needing the onside kick and a hail Mary and 2 point convert just to go to OT is really almost a win for the Bills. Or just as worse it was a one score loss (yeah right) that is a valiant effort. They are more likely to see the offseason as won.

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