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Posts posted by row_33

  1. The public has no obligation to adhere to innocent until proven guilty. Should everyone accept that OJ didn't kill his wife because 12 morons found him not guilty? Yes it can go too far as with the Duke LaCrosse case, but to expect the general public not reserve negative opinions of Irving until he is cleared of this crime is ridiculous.


    You aren't far from the truth. Our lives won't matter a millionth of a tinkers dam to OJ or Irvin going forward.

  2. It's like other "forms of entertainment" when one is all by themselves.


    When they get in a public discussion they roll their eyes and say they don't watch network TV or anything that isn't sophisticated.


    And they tell you this for 5 minutes if you are willing to hear it.


    But they watch 6 hours of network TV every night...

  3. Is it? And our Democratic and Republican leaders that take this serious are dupes or are they in on it?


    Intelligence is a tough job, on Tuesdays they tell you how you should have bet on the NFL spreads for the games the prior Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday Night.

  4. Actually, it is your job. Saying "this sucks" achieves nothing, and comes across as nothing more than whining.


    As I said, any redrawing of district lines is gerrymandering, and relinquishing the very purpose of districts in favor of "compactness" doesn't make any real sense in terms of giving individuals a voice that represents their interests.


    So, while gerrymandering may be mildly problematic, any proposed solutions that I've ever seen are even more so; and it's vital to note that gerrymandering isn't the main cause of congressional stagnation.


    The point of g'ing through the 60s and 70s and 80s was to spread the 99% Democrats assumed vote of African Americans so that this could tip the balance into districts where they were not proportionately represented.

  5. TV SUCKS.


    It's so embarrassing to watch.


    I cut the cable because "The NEWS" morphed into Liberals cheering for THE STATE and lying to us about how great serfdom's going to be, but when I visit friend's houses who are watching regular TV shows, I'm amazed at how formula and terrible the regular shows are.


    SNL can't die fast enough for me to pick just one TV show example I hate.


    I guess I'd watch fishing, and hunting and some nature / science shows if I didn't have to be bombarded by idiots but that's impossible so seeya.


    It's a good way to veg and recharge from the rat race. I'd love to get rid of it but I watch sports too much, and to be honest TV has been big in raising me and being a good friend from the first episode of Sesame Street when I was 3.

  6. Apparently people are starting to care. The Republicans litterally have enough votes to pass anything they want - as long as the all get along.


    Kinda funny how it turned out that lopsided, eh?


    I expect about 1/3 of Congress will routinely go against the expected flow of its party when it is allowed to use its personal and constituent voice. The goal is a muddled delay that leads to keeping things the way they were, with some issues needing a little more of a push, usually for the right reasons.


    What, the Reid Option? I agree...


    They sure acted like this was righteous and as normal as breathing air at the time, fully celebrated by the media as a move of genius.


    Executive orders and forcing things around the very slow deliberative process (thank goodness) often leads to trouble if done routinely or for less-than necessary reasons.... again and again and again...

  8. Frankenstein's Monster


    Who knew it would be so complicated?


    Nobody cares about it until the gap between the parties is small and that this minutiae has the ability to possibly sway things.


    You put up your best efforts and lose half the time with the two party system these days, most move on with their lives, others sulk and whine for the whole two years till the next election.

  9. Any redrawing of district lines is gerrymandering.


    I'll task the OP with providing what he believes to be a better, non-arbitrary, drawing of those lines for every district in the country, and then providing his reasons why his preferred lines are better.


    usually that means whatever the Dems think, they are the only honest party that never fear-mongers and always takes the side of the angels....

  10. That guy on Twilight Zone bought immortality, then murdered his wife and wanted to test out the electric chair, but his lawyer got him life instead...


    and Sebastian Cabot as some agent of the devil laughed and granted the man's wish to die in jail immediately.


    I wish this on those thinking they can slink around another 90 or so years...

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