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Posts posted by row_33

  1. Tough time of the year for this fan, after so much time off and we get every ace out there for the first few days, would enjoy watching 4 games today, but time won't let me. And the risk that games i taped get rained out when i get home to watch...


    Watched the Yankees hammering yesterday, Tropicana Field was up to its usual tricks.

  2. MARC THIESSEN: Do Democrats really want to provoke an unprecedented showdown over Gorsuch?



    Something unprecedented could happen this week when the Senate votes on Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court — but
    it won’t be Republicans triggering
    the so-called nuclear option to confirm him a by simple-majority vote.

    No, what would be historically unprecedented would be for Democrats to filibuster Gorsuch.

    There has never been a successful filibuster of a nominee for associate justice in the history of the republic — and the idea that Gorsuch should be the first is patently absurd.






    Kill the filibuster, not just for Supreme Court nominations but for everything.


    Just a few years ago, I was reliably informed that the filibuster was horrible, and racist. :rolleyes: ...........What changed dems ?






    Can't kill the possibility of a filibuster, it has good purposes when used wisely.

  3. Best thing is the Oscars aren't on the same night as the Championship Game like the old days. I knew of a few households that came close to murder or divorce over that one before we were able to record programs. And then the Oscars moved on its own.

  4. Comey's bs was worth even more. That election was wack


    Don Lemon on CNN chuckling when 5 Dallas police officers were murdered changed another chunk of electoral college votes on the spot as well.


    Trouble is nobody who is going to vote anywhere right of Bernie Sanders is ever going to admit it to the media or biased polling ever again...


    Friends in Cancun the week before the election said that EVERY American they talked to said the media and polls have deliberately played downed the reality on votes for Trump.

  5. Shady isn't there... ya ready to cut him?


    he's in the exception pile for 2017... you know that...


    do you think scrubs and old men can loaf off when a new coach comes in who probably has been told Rex's Cushy Country Club Chummy Community is the LAST thing they want to carry over?


    Parcell's speech to the Jets when he took over is the greatest thing ever stated to a team that hasn't done a damn thing to be proud of in decades.

  6. I have the flu. What am I? I'm mad. I have to change in to a robe for an xray.

    I so called out the xray tech. She wouldn't tell me what she saw. I told her she was just scared. She laughed at me :(


    They cannot tell you nothing is wrong...


    If you had TB you'd know quickly.


    For broken bones and other positive results I've been given the results and told to go to emerg if the pain was too much before I could get to my GP.



    I didn't think at the time we tanked that game, i just thought the coaching staff gave up on the team, and the players no longer bought into what Ryan was dishing them, but to answer your question, I was happy they lost that game then, and still happy now. i was officially not a fan of Rx as soon as he drove Jim Swartz(spelling) out of town.



    after reading what I just wrote, I guess you could call that tanking.


    it's worse when a coach tries to weasel out a useless win and not play "the kids" when the season is over.


    Thankfully that was all settled the week of the Steelers game, Rex was gone, guaranteed right after that game if Pittsburgh left the Bills impaled at the 50.

  8. for weight lifting and other exercises? There's no football at all


    The NFL has the magic right to cut and dump anyone anytime anywhere that the coaching staff feels it should happen.


    A new regime, the players have zero.point.zero glory to fall back on as an excuse.


    So what loafing over paid bum doesn't give a darn anymore?

  9. I have no nervous/anxious feelings about the Pats.


    We're really in no position to feel anyway about them.


    They're the cream. I've come around, they're one of those legendary teams people talk about. In a few decades Pats fans will talk about this team the way we talk about the 90's Bills.


    Unfortunately they're in our division so it directly affects us.


    Only one thing to do, the same thing the Pats did during our years. Keep plugging away, and wait out the storm.


    Yup, and be grateful the NFL moved Peyton Manning out of the Bills division for a second set of 2 pummellings in the division each year of his career.

  10. OP had a well thought out post- basically stated hes no expert. No reason to thump your war chest on him, just sayin. Sometimes theres better ways of saying things.




    It was a good posting.


    Just don't start reviewing last year and figuring the Bills would have won every lost game if only one play or ref's call didn't ruin it, therefore it was really a guarantee of a win in the next season.

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