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Everything posted by row_33

  1. snow Denver Jeff Wright tips the pass Carlton Bailey to the hizzy just got lost in a reverie for a minute there, still smiling... my reading list is out-of-the-way complicated, sometimes i find someone who enjoys this stuff. finishing off my Masters, 4 courses to go starting soon, that will be more reading than i can shake an ugly stick at
  2. a friend's parents in the rich district of a Toronto suburb had transferred to the US for business, so their White Elephant mansion was home for a half-dozen of us our last year of University and such we didn't quite fit in with the unstated but assumed LAWS of the community the realtors dreaded coming to visit to try to sell the home, but we were respectful and they eventually sold after a year or so
  3. what was the longest FG made kicking a Nerf football?
  4. not really, nobody seems to want to copy the obvious things that have led to 20 or so years of dominance..... with a minimal effort at obtaining top talent at the skill positions for Brady
  5. did their kids want a fake admission into Stanford or Harvard back then? the status of celebrity "back then" was a million times more public and binding than today.... i have no knowledge of more than 4 or 5 movie stars today, i can name you 100s from the old days..... i have no knowledge of more than 2 pop music acts today, i can name you 100s from the old days...
  6. i would see it as one of those things where you give your best each day and give absolutely no time or thought outside your paid hours some people can thrive on this type of workplace
  7. i recall Donald Sterling bought the entire building that his office was in so he didn't have to put up with inane chatter from others during those two minutes...
  8. agreed, but THEY run the show and the media and the history books.....
  9. just keep showing up every day this year the AFC is rewarding teams that just keep showing up
  10. Joan Baez had a top 40 hit with that song... I can't for one second believe that Joan is on an inappropriate wavelength for social thinking....
  11. there will be enough of them up there to put up with already
  12. the dude flipped out, and swung a helmet as a weapon with intent to injure that's the issue, there's no excuse for this he had better come up with one heck of a gameplan before NFL HQ if he ever wants to play again.
  13. and the media will kiss his butt 24/7/365/eternally
  14. time to start looking into those Macedonian content-farms i think it was item 126 on the 10,000 excuses that Hillary lost
  15. Mason would be disowned by his team if he was in the habit of using racial slurs
  16. but they can vote to impeach, even not believing 1% of it, and it goes down in history as a scourge against his administration the Founding Fathers stated some kind of moral compass or worldview was required to balance a government chosen by the will of the People this farce is a horrible exercise in bad faith on that point
  17. the people supporting Hillary and Obama and other lefties are exactly the people who think Garrett shouldn't be punished at all, it wasn't his fault, it was society and root causes....
  18. favourite tunes were those we figured Summers had overdubbed parts on his drumming, he later admitted this was used in studio.
  19. Cowboys fans in my life won't even watch it
  20. the best was always a wrap in garbage bags and after an hour standing up and letting the ice crystallize and fall off me
  21. when Stern had Burton Cummings on the show he stated he thought undone was about a hot fan's dress, Burton laughed and said that was a possibility
  22. the squirrels around here are blaming global warming for their fatness
  23. My local paper declared it a done deal that Sondland had directly testified that $400m was threatened to be withheld unless Ukraine illegally investigated a political opponent. and the Pence and everyone else knew about it weeks before it came out in public.
  24. you can get six types of precipitation sitting up there for a single game most from the skies
  25. just want a good game worth watching past halftime
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