for road trip years of College/NFL weekends it was amazing to find Cleveland and Buffalo rarely coincided for bad weather, most of the time was lucky to have the nicer of the two to sit at
Peyton won in Denver unable to throw more than 15 yards
its called squeezing every drop out of the roster and playing in a year when there is nobody confident or powerful to take it away from you
some do live on 2 hours sleep a day, sending out memos at any given hour....
when it was faxes it was more irritating than the ping of a phone
Sorry, the fax is still used for some professions.
If the relationship requires 3am communication, it will be established.
some friends at law firms worked for partners who seemed to work 30 hours a day
With the amber alerts going off at 2am and every 15 minutes or so, even after it was resolved hour earlier.... most people go to Do Not Disturb for their sleep.
or quickly learn to.
text and email away whenever you like
CNN rehearsed and wrote out cue cards for this garbage?
it has been reduced to this?
oh yeah, Letterman called his mom dozens of times on the show, it was cute and sweet maybe five times.
.”You should vote for Trump,” Biden repeated mockingly to the immigrant activist asking what Joe would do to reduce deportations, considering Obama moved out 3 million.
That would make a great ad for Trump2020
the pleasure of all this would be dropping 80% easily if it wasn't for the fact that he beat Hillary
for the rest of our lives we are going to smile just thinking about it
yes, politicians lie all the time
something a person with a 3 digit IQ figures out by the age of 12 or so
and by 12 you've also learned hopefully that certain people in life as teachers and coaches and clergy and bosses are going to prefer others to you and destroy you unfairly every chance they get...
peanut butter
cherry jam
PB only on untoasted bread
i can accept that people put PB on toast and wipe the knife on the jar edge, putting more crunchiness into the process, not minded with toast, vomit-inducing with untoasted bread
how do you keep on this surfboard of sensibleness?
i'm not taking the command of "what is truth" from the media or the DNC.... truth...... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!