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Everything posted by row_33

  1. Sad what has happened to his show the last 5 years
  2. Lombardi has some rough years as coach, so that ruins all his accomplishments to you? you can look him up...
  3. who could possibly try to determine the dynamics of the marriage of others? and you can start with the Clintons if you really want to give it a whirl
  4. scan in your big wagers on Dal and KC winning straight up.... I will cheer you on when you show $ rides on it
  5. you are going to skip over the Vietnam years, the worst for unrest outside the Civil War? today is all talk, fortunately....
  6. Howard hypocritically runs from the content way more these days
  7. cash was king back then, prepaid now. but places knew they’d take a hit on campus deliveries, a margin on the extra business i typed essays for $$$, i think I made $100 typing.the same one three times, one got burned for plagiarism a few times I typed out an assignment for $$ that I was also to hand in myself later that week
  8. Was hoping Tiger would do this for his hug at the 18th
  9. cheering for him as always my point was about those badmouthing him every week during the prime of his career yay....
  10. cant get rid of it on Canada in addition they have caused it to go off over 1,000 miles from the spot of the concern
  11. can you imagine the dirtiest cheap shots that have been inflicted in NFL history yet Garrett was the first to react with this insane and rabid reaction?
  12. top minds (and me) from various majors up here you are the worst person ever if you don’t worship amber alerts. and you can’t avoid them on your phone or TV Just stop it when the situation has been resolved, that’s all, please??? Don’t do it over and over for five hours after.
  13. Can we get Bugs Bunny to saw that state into the ocean like he did for Florida?
  14. I noted fishing modestly back in the 1980s and wound up going before the Inquisition this week ?
  15. gotta kinda envy that talent, at least on a day off for you geez, every day is a day off for him, probably the key...
  16. He’s in the jailhouse now....
  17. in residence ordering it for down the hall and happening to show up and offer 30% for it after the rejection
  18. that’s not important to voters.... The 1 percent might be the unemployed after The Donald’s second term I graduated in 1991 into an economy that gave no interviews to grads and was dumping all my friends from their entry-level jobs. That was sooooooo much better....
  19. A fantasy about having a woman in his life add to it another fantasy about a dozen women saying he was rude to them welcome to Fantasy Island, thebug!!!!!
  20. I see Warren faced a dozen protestors in Atlanta, could be the most harrowing experience for a Dem from its own voters since Dump the Hump
  21. Pats are dead for the 80th time now? it will happen some day it did for Tiger Woods, maybe, lots of pinheads in my life attacked every win by him by telling me he had to fall apart eventually such a great insight.... that’s why they never achieved much in school or work...
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