rob, if you want to quote the idiot children, please consider deleting the text that you are quoting
those of us who have these folk on ignore would appreciate it, considering half their comments are pornographic or extremely vile.
this deletion of their comments make me feel good
almost like the day i got my first iPod Classic or my first PVR (and could tape and fast-forward through every ad and useless chatter before the game actually began)
for the 3rd and 4th SB time leading up to the bad losses, the media rolled its collective eyes, knowing the Bills had no prayer
not sure if this went on for the usual two weeks or if they were a one-week situation back then
it was very anti-climatic
i'm not the boss of you, i'd never apply for that job, but just once in awhile think of us
especially when the tibs/gary/goof response is pornographic or extremely vile
it's all they have to revert to when asked to back up their comments, so sad...
can we start to try to delete the text from tibs and gary and "the likely lads" every time we respond to them?
i really don't want to be bothered by anything they have to say, worse than the subway hoboes who smell like formaldehyde
i watched the Bills get blown out and embarrassed in a SB 3 times, that wasn't much fun
it was even worse than the first one where they should have won by 21 points but were totally outcoached and out-hustled and out-desired the whole game
after 1968 they came up with some party rules that got them McGovern and Carter and Mondale and Dukakis.... well done kiddos!!
you can add others since 1968 that you feel were totally incompetent, but my list ends with what I've said....
this is like conservative god-fearing people in my life saying "civil partnership" was fine for them instead of gay marriage
for which i told them, civil p is not even remotely in their plans for contentment...
putting up a good fight and maybe stealing one in Dallas is all i ask for
and a lot less the next game after seeing what the Ravens did last night to a contending Rams team
those were awful
but losing Juice after his great 5-year run and seeing there was nothing in the tank AT ALL was especially horrendous in 1977
and pro sports is supposed to be the best when you are 11, and this was my football team......